Explosions of Grandeur.

This is where to post any NFL or NCAA football franchises.

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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Soapy » 03 Oct 2019, 16:37

James placed the change down on the counter, drawing a sigh from the young cashier as she counted it up before handing him his bag. He placed the slice of pizza in between his teeth to free up his left hand, using it to exit the gas station.

Ricky was pumping gas while Asia sat on the hood of the car, appearing to take a picture. James grabbed the Four Loko out of the bag and gave it to Asia who smiled and motioned James to come in for a kiss.

James obliged and she gave him one on the cheek. Despite their rough edges, James had grown a soft spot for the sisters and on this particular night, they were escorting Asia to her W2 job which was stripping at a partially nude gentlemen’s club on the other side of the bridge.

James had been in Oakland for months now and hadn’t been to San Francisco so when Ricky asked if he could do Asia a solid, he didn’t mind. He didn’t have anything better to do on a Sunday night.


Ricky took a sip before passing the bottle over to James who declined it at first but upon second thoughts, he grabbed the bottle and poured it down his throat.

He looked over at Ricky who gave him a nod of approval to pass the bottle down to some of the other girls in the section. In a shocking turn of events, James had never actually attended a strip club, as a patron at least.

He kept a watchful eye on Asia, who didn’t seem to be getting much attention. She was light-skinned and petite with molehill for breast. James found her attractive but the rest of the crowd didn’t seem to as they focused more on the white girls on some of the other stages. She did have one loyal customer who seemed to be following her from stage to stage and kept trying to talk to her but she ignored his advances.

The chaperoning of Asia turned into a full scale party as Ricky got gifted bottles and a section by the owner of the strip club, an avid USC fan.

“What the fuck is this?” James said with a sour face, handing the bottle back to Ricky who had a set of buttocks just a few inches away from his face.

Ricky shrugged before pouring the contents of the bottle on her ass, smiling from ear to ear as he turned to face James, “These bitches with whatever!”

They were, at least when it came to Ricky. The dancers would come in and out of the section, paying attention only to Ricky as if James was invisible. Another dancer came into the section but this time it was a familiar face who sat in between James and Ricky, leaning into Ricky’s ear.

“Fuck that,” Ricky shook his head, “I’m getting busy over here!”

Asia leaned in once again and continued to talk into his ear. James tried to eavesdrop but couldn’t make anything out.

“Yo,” Ricky tapped James on the shoulder as Asia looked along, “You got her?”

James looked at Asia and nodded, following her as they went down the small flight of stairs that led them from their private section to the general floor area. The music was too loud so they moved towards the bar where there was a bit of a dead area.

“I’m getting off early tonight,” she explained, “I’m about to get changed, meet you out back where you dropped me off.”

“Slow night?” James asked, regretting asking that question as soon as it left his lips, “I’m....it just....”

“It was,” she shrugged.

“Hold on,” James grabbed her arm before letting it go, not realizing what he had done. He looked over and saw that the guy that was watching her the whole night was still there, “He seemed like a fan.”

“One nigga can only spend so much bread,” she scoffed before nodding over to the larger section of men huddled around this white girl, “You need to turn it into a bidding war, a pissing contest between them niggas. It’s like they think the nigga that spent the most bread, got to fuck her.”

“Make it that,” James said flatly with a shrug, “He came here to spend money, make him spend it some more elsewhere.”

Asia paused for a second before shaking her head, “Nah, Ricky wouldn’t go for that shit. We ain’t pushing it out here, not in Laz’s club.”

“Ricky don’t got to know,” James looked over his shoulder to see Ricky enjoying himself with a few dancers, “How much you want?”

“For a band,” she replied quickly, as if she had a set price. James didn’t doubt that she did.

He nodded before starting the walk over to the gentleman that was wearing an Adidas tracksuit. He was in his mid 30s, maybe even early 40s. He had never done something like this and before he knew it, he was standing in front of the man, trying to broker a prostitution deal.

“You was fucking with her, right?” James opened with, unsure of his opening line.

“That’s your girl or something?” the guy smirked as he sized James up. James had several inches on him.

“She can be yours for the night,” James replied, cringing at his own sales pitch.

The guy laughed but James’ deadpan face ended the laughter, “For real?”

He ran his fingers through his nappy afro and then eyed Asia some more before returning his attention to James, “I ain’t know y’all gave it up like this around here.”

“What you trying to do, man? You bullshitting?” James pressed. He kept worrying that Ricky would turn around and see this encounter but thankfully, a few pair of breasts kept him busy.

“How much it gonna run me, man?”


“Fourteen hundred?”

James nodded.

“Get the fuck out of here,” he sucked his teeth, “For a stack, you got me.”

“Bet,” James agreed and shook his hand, “Catch you round back.”

“Nah,” he replied, “Y’all got a hotel we can use or something?”

“This ain’t all inclusive,” James replied, “You want a hotel, you buy a hotel. You want to fuck her on the Eiffel Tower? Buy a ticket to Paris and fuck her there.”

“Stingy ass motherfucker,” he smiled, “We can’t use a backroom or something?”

“Bruh,” James towered over him and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Just fuck the shit out this bitch in your car. You just making shit extra now,”

“You right,” he conceded, “Let me go to the ATM real quick.”

“My man,” James smiled.

He started his way to the set of ATMs toward the front of the club before turning around to face James, “I can do what I want with her, right?”

“Within reason,” James shrugged.
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Captain Canada
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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Captain Canada » 03 Oct 2019, 16:56

This nigga is something else. Pimping then throwing darts huh?
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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Caesar » 04 Oct 2019, 07:58

There go that white privilege again letting James know he'd get away with pimping hos :smh: Ol' Aaron Hernandez ass nigga. Urban Meyer gonna recruit him.

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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Soapy » 06 Jul 2020, 09:47

run it back turbo?
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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by djp73 » 06 Jul 2020, 11:05

nah this bby ded
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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Caesar » 06 Jul 2020, 12:42

Soapy wrote:
06 Jul 2020, 09:47
run it back turbo?
Run it back.
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Captain Canada
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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Captain Canada » 06 Jul 2020, 20:51

Soapy wrote:
06 Jul 2020, 09:47
run it back turbo?
it's only the responsible thing to do.

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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Soapy » 26 Aug 2020, 21:13

i'm very bored these days.

let's get it.

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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Soapy » 27 Aug 2020, 16:51

With his eyes remaining closed, James rolled over and reached out for his phone, patting his hand on his bedside table a few times before finally finding the object of his desire. He unplugged it from the charger and brought it to his face, slowly opening his eyes as he went to turn the alarm off.

He sighed as he looked aimlessly at the ceiling before sitting up, taking mental notes on how his body was feeling. His legs were sore as he got out of bed, stretching his neck from side to side as he made his way to the bathroom.

The regular season finale proved to be an eventful one with James throwing three touchdowns in the 21-7 win over Chabot College. Despite missing several games, James had managed to put together quite the season, enough to warrant some googly eyes as the early signing period was now upon college football. More sought after recruits would start making their final decisions on where they would be attending, leaving other schools at the altar, desperate for a replacement such as James.

He took another look at his phone, examining the missed calls before finally deciding to attend to his duties.


"Answer your phone nigga," Asia greeted him as she swung the door open and slammed it shut.

"Jesus," James groaned, his head still ringing a bit from last night, "There's this thing that I do, you know, almost every Saturday night."

"I don't give a damn," she sucked her teeth as she continued to apply her makeup as she stared into the side mirror, "You're about making money or what?"

James didn't put up much of a fight. While he wasn't in the wrong, he sort of was. It was his egging on that had convinced her to start marketing her other services while working at the strip club and just a week in, it proved to be a profitable endeavor. If the guy was on the rougher side of things or just a far drive from her comfort zone, James would serve as a chaperone just to set the tone early on that no funny business would ensue.

He wasn't her pimp, not by title and certainly not by execution. He barely made any money off of it but enough to make it worth his while to make the sometime hour drive to these encounters. It also allowed him to leave the godforsaken walls that were his dorm.

"That's a big ass house," said Asia as they pulled up to what couldn't be described as anything but a big ass house. It reminded him of the houses he'd see back in Calabasas when attending a house party there or two. The driveway was seemingly endless and along it was various foreign cars, none with a speck of dust on them.

James felt inadequate parking his 2008 Nissan Altima alongside them so he instead parked at the top of the driveway, opting to instead make the trek to the front of the house which drew the ire of Asia.

"You're going to make me sweat out my edges," Asia complained as she got out of his car, slamming the door once more.

"Do you need like a shot or something? If he wanted an angry woman..."

Before James could finish his teasing of Asia, he was quickly met with the sight of a scantily clad woman running across the house. The front door was jarred open, providing just a tiny bit of insight into the massive estate.

Asia wasted no time opening the door completely, revealing a lavish living room with glass-doors that had an infinity pool as the backdrop. A quick survey of the room revealed that scantily clad woman was running away -- playfully, at least it seemed to be -- from a gentleman that donned just basketball shorts.

He stopped in his tracks and sized James up before reaching his hand out to shake it, "What's up, man?"

James simply nodded, deferring to Asia to make the introductions.

"Alexa," she introduced herself, drawing a stifled smile from James, "You must be Travis."

"Indeed," he kissed her hand.

"Tyrone," James nodded, enjoying the odd look he got from Travis as he did not look like a Tyrone but who was he to question it.

"Can I get you something to drink, anything particular you want to partake in?" Travis was being quite the host as James' eyes continued to wander.

There were a few girls hanging out by the pool while another pair was at the poolside bar, enjoying a fancy looking cocktail. Besides him and Travis, there was only one other set of male genitals in the entire house it seemed and he was all by himself in the living room couch, going through his phone.

"Vodka and Red Bull," she instructed while James shook his head.

"The guys will be here any minute," Travis said with a smile, "Make yourself comfortable, you know, have a good time. Tyrone, we have a room in the back if you just want to chill out."

As soon as Travis wasn't within earshot, James tapped Asia on the shoulder.

"You good?"

She simply nodded. This was her line of business after all where comfort wasn't at the forefront of things.


James' phone ringing awoken him out of his slumber. He had previously planned on keeping an eye of things, perhaps making rounds throughout the day but as the day party turned into an nocturnal escapade, James' restlessness had gotten to him. The silk sheets of the guest room didn't help either and he soon found himself completely knocked out for several hours.

"I'm ready to go," said the voice on other end of the phone as soon as James answered the phone.

He hung up and stuffed his phone into his pocket, wiping the dried up drool out the corner of his mouth as he got ready to leave the room. The hallway lights were dimmed but radiant, purple and neon green lights seemed to be emitting from the living room. James turned around the corridor to see that the house had emptied out a little bit with a slew of people heading to the door.

There was more male presence this time around though and they certainly took notice of the new face of James. He simply kept his eyes forward before he was spotted by Asia who tugged on his shirt.

"Were you getting your dick sucked or something?" she said with a bit of an attitude which drew a raised brow from James.

"No," he scoffed, "You're all sorted out?"

"That's sort of your job," she looked up at him. He could tell that the day had worn on her so he didn't protest.

He looked around until he spotted Travis and made a beeline for the gentleman with a few girls sitting around him.

"Yo," James coughed to get his attention, "Let me holler at you real quick."

Ever the happy-go-lucky guy, Travis didn't hesitate to flash a smile and join James into a more secluded corner of the living room, "We're ready to bounce."

"Really?" he looked towards Asia that was now on the other side of the room but James tapped him on the shoulder to regain his attention.

"The money."

"Ah," Travis seemed to have a moment of enlightenment as he tilted his head back and grabbed a rolled up wad out of his back pocket, "I'm telling you man, Apple Pay is the wave these days."

"No, thanks."

"Here you go," Travis counted the money and handed it to James who felt like the entire party was now watching him, "Before you go, end of the month, we're doing like this big bash for New Years. If you got any more girls, feel free to bring them. The money up front won't be as good but shit, you never know who she might end the night with, you know what I'm saying?"

James nodded before continuing on his way, brushing past a few people before getting to Asia who was impatiently waiting at the door.

"You okay?" he asked as they exited out the front door.

"A long fucking day," she sighed, "Shit, they just ordered some more girls for the night too."

"Goddamn," James scoffed, "If I knew they were this fucking loaded, we would have charged them more."

"I knew he would try to recruit girls from the club to go to his parties and shit," Asia admitted, "I just never thought it was like this."

"Some crazy shit?"

"You don't even want to know," she rolled her eyes, "I'm not complaining though, made a shit load of money and I ain't even need to fuck anyone."

"Are you serious?"

"Hell yeah," she said as they reached the car, "His dick wouldn't get hard so we ended up just making out and then the other guys thought I was off-limit because I went to one of the rooms with him so I was chilling the rest of the night, even when he left."

"Who were the guys?"

James opened his car door just as another car drove past them. It was a Suburban filled with people but in the front was a familiar face. A face that James never thought he'd see again.

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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Soapy » 18 Feb 2021, 08:37

where the fuck was i going with this lmfao
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