Runneth Thy Cup | Legacy Of Remy Cook

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Runneth Thy Cup | Legacy Of Remy Cook

Post by The JZA » 18 Jan 2024, 12:39

PS5 | Player-Manager Chise | Road To Glory

Game Titles In Use
eFootball PES 2020 | EA Sports FC 24

Time Run
15-20 Min Halves

eFootball PES 2020: Top Player (Home) | Superstar (Away)
EA Sports FC 24: World Class (Home) | World Class - PAD Advantage (Away)
Last edited by The JZA on 22 Jan 2024, 00:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Runneth Thy Cup | Legacy Of Remy Cook

Post by The JZA » 18 Jan 2024, 12:40

The Cook Book (Legacy)
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Runneth Thy Cup | Legacy Of Remy Cook

Post by The JZA » 18 Jan 2024, 12:40

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Runneth Thy Cup | Legacy Of Remy Cook

Post by The JZA » 18 Jan 2024, 12:41

Chapter I: Sophomore Is The New Freshman

"It's that time of the year again" I said after opening the window in my dorm room, welcoming the chirps of the birds on a Friday morning.

My nose was filled with air that reeked of humid mildew as I leaned out the window, watching the commotion of the moving-in process take place. I recognized a few returning faces among the plethora of freshmen settling in. After a couple pleasant exchanges, I couldn't help but think that It wasn't that long ago I was taking my first step onto college campus, crossing that threshold into a new stage of academic life. But for me, it was the athlete-student life. My sport? No, my life, Football...

Football has been my life as far back as I can remember. I didn't touch a football until I was 10 years old, but the world's game was instilled in me long before that. My father, Reginald, affectionately called, "Rey", was a track & field star in his day. My mom, Mya, played volleyball. Neither played the sport of football, but both were avid fans. My Dad, Manchester United. My Mom, Manchester City. As you can see, they both chose violence before they had me. I was born in New York City, March 23rd, 2002. I was the only child, but my childhood was good for me. I lived the typical boyhood, but what stood out to me was my Dad always taking me to Red Bulls games at the old Giants Stadium before they closed. Though my parents were both Premier League fans, they didn't miss an opportunity to be in capacity of the nearest event. Long story short, football has been in my blood before I was a twinkle in my father's eye.

As I got older, my skills grew alongside. In 2013 I got my first taste of street-style football and the competitiveness that came along with it. My first game, I got brutalized. Every duel, every tackle, I was on the receiving end of a beat down. But thanks to my Dad, Rey, he kept me focused and steeled my will to get better. And that I did as I got my-self into NYC FC Academy at the age of 12 and made my honors on the U-16 & 17 U.S. Men's Youth National Team as a reserve years on. My young career was already incredible for me, but I knew I was just getting started. My parents and I moved to Glen Burnie in South Gate, Maryland, just 15-20 minutes south of Baltimore. It was where I met my first love and current girlfriend, McKenzie, as well as made my commitment to the Maryland Terrapins' men's team. All that was just two years ago and now I'm rolling into my sophomore year.

I gained a lot of buzz in the world of football. I'd be lying if I said clubs didn't seek me out after my national honors. Though I haven't started on either teams, I've made my impact enough to make waves. A few goals would do that for you. But all I got from my peers after my freshman year was questions about my future: Am I going to declare for the draft? Why am I not a one & done athlete? Well, frankly put, I could've been, probably should've been, but I wasn't a "one & done". It's like they forgotten all about Joshua Bolma, Maryland's own Freshman of the Year, the guy who was named the 4th Maryland Terrapin to be honored with multiple First-Team All-Big Ten awards. Yeah, I had to follow that guy's act. I may have saw about 8 or 11 appearances as a substitute. I understood his assignment: one & done. Nevertheless, my sole reason for turning down the opportunities was because I didn't think I was ready to be honest. I wanted the college experience and take this journey as I see fit. Do I regret declining offers? Absolutely, but polished over bust any day.

Just as I was getting lost in thought about the year, I hear a knock at my opened door. I turned my attention to discover McKenzie with a smile that never felt more like home than before...


"Hey, hey! Look who's back!"

"What's up girl! Welcome home!" I embraced her with a tight hug and kiss. "I wasn't expecting to see you until next week, how was your trip to Florida?"

"Well, excuse me, I did miss you too."

I chuckled a bit, "I'm sorry, I miss you too. You know I do, just took me by surprise seeing you so soon."

"Uh huh, but we took an early flight. Mom and I couldn't bare it no more being around family."

"Damn, that bad?"

"No, just one of those over welcomed stays, we were just ready to get back home since two weeks ago."

"Well, I'm not going to argue why you're back so soon, glad you're home safe. Do a little spin for me, let me look at you." I take McKenzie by her hand, twirling her around for a 360 view. "I don't see a BBL, so everything looks normal", I said smirking.

"Boy!" McKenzie proceeds to slap my arm, "Don't insult me like that!"

"I'm not, it would be an insult to me if you did", I laughed. "Let your girl go to Miami for a week and she'll come back with a circus tent under her dress."

"I have no intentions of getting of those crazy body mods done, so you don't have to worry."

"Good, cause I love you all naturale."

"You better!" McKenzie shot back before planting a kiss on me. McKenzie plops at the foot of the bed, looking around the room as to see if anything changed. "So, sophomore year, you're ready for it?"

"More like a redshirt freshman, but I'm as ready as I can ever be."

"Last year wasn't so hot for you, they really under-utilized you out there. But hey, it's a new season ahead, I'm really hoping the coach gives you more time or even start."

"Yeah, I'm hoping so too. Cirovski is one of the reasons why I committed to this school. He knows how to build champions among success."

"Is that the only reason why you came to Maryland?" McKenzie fished.

"Of course not. You know you're a major reason why I'm here too. You don't got to fish for compliments", I said as I lay next to her, kissing up her arm. She smelled of citrus and sage, she always knew my favorite scent on her skin; "Sage & Citrus" Eau De Perfum by Wicked Good.

"I know, I just like hearing you say it."

"I'll say it as many times as you like, I'm glad to be here next to you, to be here with you... Two high school sweethearts venturing out as college lovebirds. It doesn't get any more cringing than that.", I smiled afterwards.

"Ugh, you're definitely right about that", she laughed. "But I couldn't see myself with anyone but you for this ride."

"Awe, so sweet!" I gave my best anime lovey expression.

"Ew, get away from me creep!" McKenzie shouted as she leaned away laughing.

"Ahem", followed after a couple knocks. "Glad to see you kids in good spirits for the new year." The head coach of the men's soccer team, Sasho Cirovski stood in the doorway.

"Oh, hey coach, good morning!" I said excitingly.

"You're looking lively. Are you ready for the upcoming season?"

"Absolutely. I'm looking forward to it just as much as I want to make an impact."

"You just may get that chance to do so, but more on that later. We'll be holding a team meeting this monday. Make sure to not be late for it."

"I won't, sir. I'll see you monday."

Coach Cirovski nods then head on his way.

"I guess that's my queue too, I should be heading back to get settled in. Meet up for lunch?"

"Count on it. I'll see you later."

With a kiss, McKenzie exit the room, leaving me uninterrupted for the remainder of the morning. My mind was sort of fixated on the upcoming meeting that was happening. It was only two days off from now. With everything I had to do squared away, I had the weekend to my-self. And if McKenzie would be keeping her-self busy, the pitch would be my weekend jumpoff.

"I can feel it. The starts are going to come... This is definitely my year..."
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Runneth Thy Cup | Legacy Of Remy Cook

Post by The JZA » 21 Jan 2024, 05:36

Chapter II: The Road Begins Here

It's been little over a week since the team meeting and practice has already began. The team took a major hit in departing members, all the while fresh faces came aboard. It was no worry to me, all I needed to do was focus on my game and my time would surely come. But as a team, we had to get it together quick. With only a few days until our first friendly, gelling wasn't going to be so easy with this much change. But I like to think that we're all of one mind, and that's to win and have fun with this...

"There's the man of the hour, always hard at work", a familiar voice spoke out behind me as I was focusing on my juggling.

Albi Nilsson, a junior center-back and the newly appointed captain of the squad. "Hey Albi, what's going on?"

"Nothing much man, just thought I stopped by and check in with our new star player."

"Star player? We haven't played a game yet and you're already hyping me up? Come on, stop it, Albi." I retorted with a smirk.

"Hey, I've been hyping you up since you got here last year. I've always saw that potential in you, and now it's almost your time to shine. So, without asking, pretty safe to say you're excited, right?"

"Of course I'm excited." I juggled the ball a few more times and pass it over to Albi, "It's always around this time of the season to be excited. New faces, new goals, new aspirations, all of the unknown. I'm ready for it all."

"Good, I like where your attitude and spirit is at. I got a pretty good feeling we'll be needing more of you this year."

"Oh yeah?" I asked just before Albi passes the ball back to me. "You got some sort of Captain's inside tip?"

"Hah! You wish! No friend, I'm just going with a gut feeling. Most of the new guys are playing up front, and that leaves you, Cameron, Victor, Alek and Leon as the constant. Well, Cameron and Victor always been a constant here, giving they're about to play their 4th straight year as a Terrapin."

"The sea is an ever-changing current. I do not envy coach Cirovski, having to deal with the new nuance and what not."

"You and me both, brother. But you been around the game as long as he has, what else is there to do besides live, eat and breathe the game.?"


Albi and I steadily exchanged juggles. To be honest, my thigh was beginning to burn and was ready to call it quits, but I wasn't about to chime out just yet.

"So, tell me, how do you see this season going? Think we can handle the long season?"

"I think so." Albi responded. "We got some new faces, but they're not total busters, you know? Only time and chemistry will really tell. But if I had my say, I think we'd sit pretty high in the conference."

"I just hop our offense is cut out for it. I'm sure none of us wants to be lacking on both sides of the pitch."

"So, don't let us down when we get you the ball", Albi smiles.

"Why all the pressure on me?"

"It's not, I just know you'll be doing some great things up there on that side of the pitch. Don't sweat the small stuff, we'll have your back. Can't let you have all the glory."

"yet, someone here is steady shoving it on me", I retorted.

"You'll do fine, don't worry. You just got that "it" factor. I can't pinpoint it about you, but I sense that if Joshua wasn't having such a studded freshman year, I think you'd had more playing time or you'd be the one going one and done."

"... Nah, I'd most likely would've stayed. I still think I can get better here."

"Hey, to each is own, but that be pretty lame, my man. God forbid you ever get injured, it's better do so on a contract. Take care of your bills and family."

"Yeah, you got a point. Just figured I finish school with a degree and play football."

"Pay-to-play, Remy. Take night classes or something to finish school, but never give up on an opportunity", Albi said with a serious tone.

"(A little too late for that, if you only knew...) I hear you, Albi, I do. You're really passionate about it, huh?"

"Of course I am, even more so when my big brother broke his leg in a college game at USC. He had all the marks to be a top guy for whatever team he would go on and play for. He denied LA Galaxy and two weeks later, he slipped down a set of stairs, breaking his leg. Now he works manager at a Amazon warehouse."

Hearing that mini story sucked all the will had to continue juggling, abruptingly stopping so, "Man... That's sucks big time. I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, that's a story I impart on anyone who's on the fence of seizing their dreams. "Carpe Diem", that's forever the motto."

Heeding Albi's words, our conversation was interrupted by McKenzie, who shifted the mood before things got heavy."

"Hey babes", McKenzie proceeded to hug and kiss me. "Hey Albi, good to see you. Ready for the new season to kick off?"

"I'm about as ready as I can be. I'm looking forward to it."

"Same here, I know you guys are going to tear it up this year."

"As the new captain of the team, I appreciate the vote of confidence."

"Hey, you're captain??? Congrats, good on you. I guess there's a new sheriff in town, huh Remy?"

I look at Albi then quickly draw my imaginary guns at Albi, shooting six shots, then cap off blowing my fingertips"

"But he's no match for the long arm of the "One-Man Bandit", little lady."

"Ew, no", McKenzie embarrassingly said. "Please don't do those cliche old western voices, yours is horrible", criticizing as she laughs. "Are we still on for dinner?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah, uh, give me 15 and I'll freshen up. Albi, mind keeping her company?"

"Sure man, McKenzie is just the right person I want to speak to about Tiffany anyway."

"You're still chasing after that girl?" I asked.

"Hey, you got yours, let me get mine!" Albi retorted jestingly.

I throw my hands up and let them have at it. I make it back to my room to check the hours at this new shing-dig we came across awhile back. It was pretty close to campus, so we wanted to see if this would be our new favorite spot. I took no longer than 15 minutes as I said to clean up some sweat and smell right for my woman. She bought this new cologne for me, Tuscan leather by Tom Ford. Pretty pricy for a small bottle of fumes, but she likes it on me. And it's not like the occasion was special, but she gets butterflies over this scent... Whatever works.

We make our way out the dormitory before parting ways with Albi. The sun was inching it's way to the other side of the world, the summer breeze was warm, but kept a cool sensation against the skin. Just taking a nice stroll with McKenzie was enough for me. We made our way into Krazi Kebobs, a in & out that specialized in Indian and Pakistani cuisines. McKenzie has been trying to get me to go full-vegan, as she is, but I just can't pull that trigger, but I do compromise. During the season, I watch what I eat, and she enjoys this time to relish in her veganness, but I also do it to support her ideals. When she's not into her literature, she focuses on her wellness lifestyle, and she's pretty serious about it. While she's still grossed out by that I still eat meat, she's surprisingly understanding and we made it work. After placing our orders, we idled outside taking the scenery in, watching people come and go as they please...

"Hey, you alright Remy? Something on your mind?"

"Huh? Oh, nah, not really. I'm cool." I responded, letting a few moments go by. "Hey, let me ask you something."

"What's up?"

"We've been together for almost three years now. How are you feeling about things?"

"Everything is great, I suppose. We have our moments like any other couple, but I'm happy, and I honestly can't see my life without you any longer... Is there any particular reason why you're asking this?"

"Before you came by, Albi was telling me about his older brother and how he lost his potential career to an injury. After someone else put it in perspective, it got me thinking about the time I passed up on a semi-pro club. God forbid I get injured later this week or next year, I want to be in a position where I can still take care of the people I love. And I just want to know how down are you for me."

"Babe, of course I'm with you til the wheels fall off. Don't worry about nothing like that, we got this. I'd be just as proud of you if you were in the semi-pro as you chase your dreams to play on the biggest stage ever. I support you no matter the cost."

"I definitely appreciate hearing that from you McKenzie. I got to admit, I'm pretty lucky having a girl like you."

"I'm the lucky one. As I said before, we've had our moments. I know I can be a headache sometimes, but you stuck it through with me. You could've easily left me alone, but you didn't. You've never turned your back on me. Even when I felt things were falling apart, you steered me back on track. I know I can always depend on your leadership and efforts to make my worries go away. I appreciate you more than anything Remy."

I quietly hugged McKenzie as she embraced me in her arms. I felt I had something solid here and that can go the distance. If she says we're the ones, I'll take it at face value and let the rest prove it-self. But it felt mighty good to hear those words from her. It was no doubt in my mind that I had to do it big by any means here on out. I've always had the backing from my parents and friends. Teammates were always nice to have to rally the moment, but having it from McKenzie, it just did something for me. I wanted to make everyone proud, more importantly, my-self. There's no stopping until I'm playing for the what matters the most in the game I love, but the road begins here...
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Runneth Thy Cup | Legacy Of Remy Cook

Post by The JZA » 22 Jan 2024, 03:09

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Runneth Thy Cup | Legacy Of Remy Cook

Post by The JZA » 22 Jan 2024, 03:10


(Due To Rutgers Missing From The Option Mod, Conference Games Will Be Seven Instead Of Eight)
Last edited by The JZA on 22 Jan 2024, 09:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Runneth Thy Cup | Legacy Of Remy Cook

Post by The JZA » 22 Jan 2024, 03:10

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Runneth Thy Cup | Legacy Of Remy Cook

Post by The JZA » 22 Jan 2024, 03:11

Last edited by The JZA on 24 Jan 2024, 19:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Runneth Thy Cup | Legacy Of Remy Cook

Post by The JZA » 22 Jan 2024, 05:05

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