Super Mega Baseball 4 DSN team sign ups!

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Super Mega Baseball 4 DSN team sign ups!

Post by djp73 » 22 Jul 2023, 16:23

SMB4 is fun AF. I'm going to make a DSN team and chise it.

Rough CAP form, I'll come back and tweak it when I'm on the game. If you want a first hand look at everything here's a decent video:

Voice: (doesn't matter much, tell me if you care)
Physique: (Males: Skinny, Average, Beefy, Ripped/Females: Petite, Burly Toned)
Skin color:
Personality: (Jolly, Droopy, Tough, Egotistical, Relaxed, Timid, Competitive)
Head: (Shape)
Hair: (Color/Style)
Facial Hair/Stubble: (Color, Style)
Eyebrows: (Color, Style)
Eye Color:
Glasses: (Yes/No, Color/Style)
Eye Black:
Pants: (Length)
Undershirt: (Yes/No, Length)
Arm Sleeves: (Yes/No, Color)
Wrist Bands: (Yes/No, Color)
Wrist Tape: (Yes/No, Color)
Cleats: (Height, Colors)
Arm Tatoos: (Left/Right/None/Both, Style)
Fielding Glove Colors:
Elbow Guard: (Yes/No, Colors)
Batting Gloves: (Yes/No, Colors)
Ankle Guard: (Yes/No, Colors)
Helmet Style: (One Flap, Two Flaps, Facemask)
Helmet Tar: (Alot/A little)
Bat: (Style, Colors)
Batting Routine: (Pick from the video or give me the basics)
Batting Stance: (Pick from the video or give me the basics)
Walk-up song: (Pick from the video or give me a genre)
Pitcher Windup: (Pick from the video or give me the basics)
Pitcher Arm Angle: (Pick from the video or give me the basics)
Primary Position:
Secondary Position:
Power: (0-99)
Contact: (0-99)
Speed: (0-99)
Fielding: (0-99)
Arm: (0-99)
Batting Hand:
Throwing Hand:
Chemistry: (Spirited, Disciplined, Scholarly, Crafty, Competitive)
Pitcher Role: (SP, SP/RP, RP, CP)
Pitches: (4F, 2F, SB, CH, FK, CB, SL, CF)
Power: (0-99)
Contact: (0-99)
Speed: (0-99)
Fielding: (0-99)
Velocity: (0-99)
Junk(Movement): (0-99)
Accuracy: (0-99)
Batting Hand:
Throwing Hand:
Chemistry: (Spirited, Disciplined, Scholarly, Crafty, Competitive)
[spoiler]Positive Traits – Non Pitchers
Cannon Arm – Increased throw speed when throwing with maximum power from the throwing minigame
Durable – Reduced Chance of Injury during play and slower Fitness Decay from being overplayed
*First Pitch Slayer – Increased Power and Contact on a 0-0 count (upgrade depends on team chemistry boost)
Sprinter -Increased running speed while running out of the batter's box
*Tough Out – Increased Contact when batting with a 2-strike count
*CON vs LHP – Increased Contact when batting vs. a left-handed pitcher
*CON vs RHP – Increased Contact when batting vs. a right-handed pitcher
Dive Wizard – Faster recoveries from diving catches
*POW vs LHP – Increased Power when batting vs. a left-handed pitcher
*POW vs RHP – Increased Power when batting vs. a right-handed pitcher
*Rally Starter – Increased Contact when trailing and batting with bases empty
*RBI Hero – Increased Power and Contact when batting with a runner on 2B or 3B
Base Rounder – Increased running speed while rounding a base
*Consistent – Mojo changes at a slower rate from play to play and game to game
Fastball Hitter – Swing Power and Contact improves when swinging at a 4F, 2F, or CF pitch
High Pitch – Swing power and contact improves when targeting the upper half of the strike zone
Inside Pitch – Swing power and contact improves when targeting the inside half of the strike zone
Low Pitch – Swing power and contact improves when targeting the lower half of the strike zone
*Magic Hands – Reduced chance of a missed catch when jumping, diving, or sliding
Off-Speed Hitter – Swing power and Contact improves when swinging at a CB,SL,CH,SB, or FK pitch
Outside Pitch – Swing power and contact improves when targeting the outside half of the strike zone
*Volatile – Mojo changes at a faster rate from play to play and game to game
*Pinch Perfect – Increased Power and Contact when pinch hitting
*Ace Exterminator – Increased Power and Contact when batting against an A- pitcher or better
*Big Hack – Increased Power and Reduced Contact when in 2-0, 3-0, and 3-1 counts
Bunter – Bunting balls down the foul line is easier
*Little Hack – Increased Contact and Reduced Power when in 0-1, 0-2, and 1-2 counts
Utility – No Fielding penalty when playing at a secondary position
*Clutch – Increase to all skills when Pressure is High. The effect is doubled when pressure is extreme
Bad Ball Hitter – Reduced batted ball speed penalty when making contact with pitches on the corners or outside of the strike zone
*Distractor – While on 1B or 2B, and the next base is open, the opposing pitcher suffers reduced accuracy
*Mind Gamer – While batting, the opposing pitcher suffers reduced accuracy
*Sign Stealer – Increased chance of receiving an audio and visual cue of whether a fastball or off-speed pitch is coming
Stealer – Increased running speed while attempting to steal a base
*Stimulated – increased chance of Mojo becoming Juiced for the final 2 and a half innings
Negative Traits – Non Pitchers Positive
*First Pitch Prayer – Reduced power and contact on a 0-0 count
Injury Prone – Increased chance of injury during a play and faster Fitness decay from being overplayed
Noodle Arm – Decreased throw speed when throwing with less than maximum power from the throwing minigame
Slow Poke – Decreased running speed while running out of the batter's box
*Whiffer – Reduced Contact when batting with a 2-strike count
*Choker – All skills reduced when pressure is high. The effect is doubled when pressure is extreme
*RBI Zero – Reduced Power and Contact when batting with a runner on 2B or 3B
Base Jogger – Decreased Running Speed while rounding a base
*Butter Fingers – Increased chance of a missed catch when jumping, diving, or sliding
No Negative traits for non-pitchers
Bad Jumps – Decreased running speed while attempting to steal a base
*Easy Target – While batting, the opposing gains increased accuracy
*Wild Thrower – increased chance of committing an errant or disastrous throw, regardless of throwing minigame outcome
Pitcher Traits
Durable – Reduced chance of injury during play and slower Fitness decay from being overplayed
*K Collector – Increased Velocity and Junk when pitching with a 2-strike count
*Workhouse – Stamina decreases at a slower rate
*Clutch – Increases to all skills when pressure is high. The effect is doubled when pressure is extreme
*Rally Stopper – Increased Velocity, Junk, and Accuracy when pitching with at least two runners on base
*Two Way (C) – Reduce Fielding and Arm penalties when playing catcher
*Two Way (IF) – Reduce Fielding and Arm penalties when playing in the infield
*Two Way (OF) – Reduce Fielding and Arm penalties when playing in the outfield
*Composed – Increased accuracy when pitching with a 3-ball count
*Consistent – Mojo changes at a slower rate from play to play and game to game (Also available for non-pitchers)
*Metal Head – Increased chance of instantly recovering from a comebacker to the head
*Volatile – Mojo changes at a faster rate from play to play and game to game (Also available for non-pitchers)
Elite 4F – Increased pitch speed when pitching a 4-Seam Fastball
Elite CB – Increased break when pitching a curveball
Elite CH – Decreased pitch speed and increased break when pitching a Change-Up
Elite SL – Increased pitch speed and break when pitching a Slider
*Gets Ahead – Increased accuracy on a 0-0 count
Pick Officer – While pitching, opposing baserunners suffer decreased running speed when attempting to steal a base
*Reverse Splits – While pitching, opposite-handed opposing batters suffer reduced Power and Contact
*Specialist – While pitching, same-handed opposing batters suffer reduced Power and Contact
*Stimulated – Increased chance of Mojo becoming Juiced for the final 2 and a half innings
*K Neglecter – Reduced Velocity and Junk when pitching with a 2-strike count
Injury Prone – Increased chance of injury during a play and faster Fitness decay from being overplayed
*Choker – Reduction to all skills when pressure is high. The effect is doubled when pressure is extreme
*Meltdown – Reduced Accuracy for the remainder of the inning after four consecutive batters reach base with no outs recorded
*Surrounded – Reduced Velocity, Junk, and Accuracy when pitching with at least two runners on base
Wild Thing – Increased error in pitch location when holding a power pitch for too long
*BB Prone – Reduced Accuracy when pitching with a 3-ball count
*Crossed Up – Increased chance of the catcher dropping or failing to cleanly catch the pitch
*Falls Behind – Reduced accuracy on a 0-0 count
Easy Jumps – While pitching, opposing baserunners gain increased running speed when attempting to steal a base[/spoiler]
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Super Mega Baseball 4 DSN team sign ups!

Post by djp73 » 22 Jul 2023, 18:02

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Super Mega Baseball 4 DSN team sign ups!

Post by Agent » 22 Jul 2023, 18:40

Name: The Agent
Number: 27
Gender: M
Voice: Male
Physique: (Males: Skinny, Average, Beefy, Ripped/Females: Petite, Burly Toned) Ripped
Skin color: Brown
Bats: R
Throws: R
Personality: (Jolly, Droopy, Tough, Egotistical, Relaxed, Timid, Competitive) Egotistical
Head: (Shape) 13
Hair: (Color/Style) black, 17
Facial Hair/Stubble: (Color, Style)black, 5
Eyebrows: (Color, Style) black / any
Eye Color: brown
Glasses: (Yes/No, Color/Style) No
Eye Black: None
Pants: (Length) Any
Undershirt: (Yes/No, Length) No
Arm Sleeves: (Yes/No, Color) No
Wrist Bands: (Yes/No, Color) Yes, White
Wrist Tape: (Yes/No, Color) No
Cleats: (Height, Colors) Any
Arm Tatoos: (Left/Right/None/Both, Style) None
Fielding Glove Colors: Team color
Elbow Guard: (Yes/No, Colors) No
Batting Gloves: (Yes/No, Colors) Yes, Team color
Ankle Guard: (Yes/No, Colors) No
Helmet Style: (One Flap, Two Flaps, Facemask) One
Helmet Tar: (Alot/A little) Little
Bat: (Style, Colors) Any
Batting Routine: (Pick from the video or give me the basics) Just make me look cool
Batting Stance: (Pick from the video or give me the basics) Just make me look cool
Walk-up song: (Pick from the video or give me a genre) Just make me look cool
Pitcher Windup: (Pick from the video or give me the basics) Just make me look cool
Pitcher Arm Angle: (Pick from the video or give me the basics) Just make me look cool
Primary Position: RF
Secondary Position: CF
Power: (0-99) Just make me a starter
Contact: (0-99)
Speed: (0-99)
Fielding: (0-99)
Arm: (0-99)
Batting Hand: R
Throwing Hand: R
Age: 18
Chemistry: (Spirited, Disciplined, Scholarly, Crafty, Competitive) Competitive
Traits: Base Rounder, Mind Gamer
Pitcher Role: (SP, SP/RP, RP, CP)
Pitches: (4F, 2F, SB, CH, FK, CB, SL, CF)
Power: (0-99)
Contact: (0-99)
Speed: (0-99)
Fielding: (0-99)
Velocity: (0-99)
Junk(Movement): (0-99)
Accuracy: (0-99)
Batting Hand:
Throwing Hand:
Chemistry: (Spirited, Disciplined, Scholarly, Crafty, Competitive)
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Super Mega Baseball 4 DSN team sign ups!

Post by mvp » 12 Sep 2023, 10:13

simplify this to "player comparison" instead of all these options :obama:
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