The Essence of Glory

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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 17 Jul 2019, 15:43

James wrote:
17 Jul 2019, 15:27
Is he a senior? Good update.
Cade is currently a junior
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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 18 Jul 2019, 09:29

“And Pelletier brings down Garcia for a loss of eight and Jonesboro will have to punt again as the Richland Springs defense continues to give them fits”

“Yeah this looked like we could have a battle on our hands after that first quarter when it was tied up at 14 but Jonesboro has had no answer for Powell to Rodriguez since then and the Jonesboro offense can't keep a drive going, haven't been across midfield. We're late into the third quarter and Richland Springs holds a 44-14 lead.”


“There's another score for Richland Springs, Tim Tyler on the tough run right up the middle and the kick makes it 52-14. We could be looking at a mercy here if Jonesboro can't get anything going on this next offensive possession because they haven't shown any sign of slowing down Richland.”


“Garcia back to pass, quick pressure from Erik Hendricks up the middle. Garcia flings it toward a covered receiver, it's tipped aaaaand it's Richland Springs' Rodriguez coming down with the interception after some bobbling. He’s looking for a block, gets one from Pelletier and now he's got nothing but green grass ahead of him as he makes it 58-14. Richland Springs will kick to make it 60-14 and that's it, ball game. Another mercy rule win for Richland Springs here tonight and they’re on to the quarterfinals against the winner of Calvert and Gustine who play tomorrow.”

“Another dominant performance by Richland Springs with both sides of the ball putting on a clinic. The Coyotes are definitely looking to keep that state championship trophy right where it is.”


“Devin Young catches the short pass outside from Powell and spins quickly upfield leaving a Calvert defender tackling air. Young with one man to beat. Oh! Young leaps over Calvert's Jones and he's in for six! Richland Springs has Calvert on the ropes now making it 66-22. Calvert will need to get something done here if they don’t want to get the mercy rule.”

“This Richland Springs team is something special. No flaws that we've seen. They started a bit slow tonight and trailed early on but it’s been all them since. Just rolling here again.”

“Powell takes the snap and Rodriguez is in motion. Hand off to Rodriguez on the sweep left and he's looking to throw. A little razzle dazzle here by the Coyotes offense. Powell wide open on the right sideline and stretches to catch it at the 20. He's in and that’s the game folks. 72-22 Richland Springs and they’re onto next round.”

"So Richland Springs will roll into next week's semi final against Newcastle. Newcastle's having quite a run of their own with a big lead going looking to wrap their game up with a mercy win as well. Be sure to join us again next week for all the UIL 1A six man semi-final action.”
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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 18 Jul 2019, 15:16

“So Newcastle. They put up scores of 52, 75 and 66 so far in the playoffs but they just can't seem to get anything going here today against Richland Springs and they trail 40-8 as we head into halftime here in the UIL 1A Six Man semi final.”

“We've really just seen a Richland Springs team that's doing whatever they want on offense this whole playoff. Powell passing all over everyone, the running game has been on point.”

“Yeah and let's not forget about what the defense has been able to do in keeping some previously very explosive offenses in check with man coverage by Ruben Rodriguez and Devin Young locking onto team's top targets and Erik Hendricks and Henry Pelletier causing a lot of problems rushing the passers then you've got Tim Tyler all over the place from his linebacker position.”

“You don't often see defense quite like this in six man, coach Marlon Mack has been very creative using his 2-1-3 look with the safety, Kelsey Orlando moving all over the place and confusing opposing offenses, not letting them ever be sure what they're really seeing for a defensive scheme.”

“Lot's of talent on the field at all times for Richland and they're not having to sub as much as some teams do. They play eight or nine players most games, at least when they're still games anyway, so that's a testament to their conditioning obviously.”


“Powell takes the snap and hands off to Tyler up the middle... OH and Tyler flicks it back to Powell who hits Rodriguez wide open in the endzone! Richland Springs on top 48-8 here in the third quarter.”


“Richland Springs offense back out there now midway through the third quarter with a chance to end the game on this possession.”

“Tyler for a gain of eight.”

“Powell hits Young for a gain of nine on the slant for a first down at midfield.”

“Powell with pressure and he's able to spin out of it, rolling to his right and he's got Hendricks at the 15. Throws on the run and hits him in the numbers. Hendricks with a big stiff arm on Newcastle's Davis and he jogs into the endzone for another Richland Springs score and that's it folks.”

“Another mercy win for Richland Springs and they're into the championship next week, looking to repeat as state champs. They'll take on Motley County, a really good team who took down Sterling City 84-36 yesterday.”

“Yeah and just like Richland Springs has Motley's forty-fived all of their playoff opponents as well. Join us here for all the action, should be a good one.”
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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 19 Jul 2019, 07:13

“Cade! Yo Cade!” Devin picked up his pace to try to catch Cade, realizing he couldn't hear him with his headphones in.

Cade had always loved to get out on Sunday afternoons for a long run. The town was even quieter than usual with most everyone hunkered down watching the Cowboys or their team of choice. He felt like he had the town to himself at times like this, no buzz, no distractions, no questions. In a town this small that lives and dies by their high school football that was a rare thing.

It had been a long time since he had taken his run and this time he found himself deeply reflective, even more so than usual. When he passed by places that triggered memories of him and his mother he let the emotions pour over him, not suppressing or ignoring them like he had taught himself to do over the past few months. When he approached the playground that the two had spent so much time at together when he was young Cade nearly turned in before thinking better of it and pushing forward. He reached the northern border of the town, slowed his pace and turned around, spotting Devin and slowing to a stop while popping out his headphones.

“Yo Devin! What's up?”

“Ain't shit man just getting in run and I seen you so I figured I join you. Couldn't catch your lanky ass though. What's good?” Devin crouched and tried to catch his breath.

“Not my fault you’re five foot nothin'” Cade joked as he held out his hand with his thumb and finger about an inch apart. Devin wasn’t five foot but at five seven he was almost a full foot shorter than Cade.

“I'm five nine man!” Devin lied.

Cade laughed and shook his head.

“Walk and talk?” He asked.

Devin nodded. After a few moments of silence Devin spoke up.

“So you staying back here for good man or what?”

“Nah just staying down here for now, just ‘til the end of the season then I'm gonna go back up to Southlake and stay with my Aunt and Uncle.”

“You gonna play for Carroll up there?”

“Yeah, I think so at least. Hopefully.”

“They really good huh?”

“Yeah. Real good.”

“Ain't they got a really good QB right? Hill? He a senior?”

“No, he's a junior right now too.”

“So if you both gonna be there and be seniors what you gonna play? You not riding the bench I hope.”

“I dunno. Gonna talk to the coaches more when I get up there. It’s way different than six man. Would take a while to adjust at QB anyway. Probably receiver I guess.”

“You can play QB there man. You’re good enough to.”

“Thanks Dev, appreciate the confidence. If I had more time I probably could but it's not ideal changing schools and all. I guess we'll see how it plays out, I wanna play but it's not my biggest priority up there. There’s other schools too I guess.”

Cade and Devin jogged in silence for a while before Devin turned off to go back to his house.

“Good talk bro, catch you in the A.M.” Devin said as he turned into his road.

Cade replied with a nod and picked his pace up. He looked around and noticed how nice it was. He stopped short of putting his headphones in, enjoying the silence. He checked the time on his phone and decided on another lap around town.
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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 22 Jul 2019, 08:19

“Welcome to our radio broadcast of the UIL 1A Six Man Texas state championship folks. Should have a good one today as Richland Springs takes on Motley County and both teams have been on a tear through the playoffs. Both schools have forty-fived all their opponents so far. Teddy any predictions today?”

“You’ve got two outstanding offenses here tonight and, in my opinion, the best six man quarterback in the state in Richland's Cade Powell who's just been dominant after being away for a bit before the playoffs started, playing better than he did last season when they won it all. I’m predicting this one goes the distance and if things get clicking out there we could see someone put up 100 today.”

“Both schools have been able to hold their opponents offenses in check up to this point but they definitely haven’t faced any offenses as good as each other yet.”

“They really haven't, both quarterbacks have been playing really well, they're both experienced. Powell's got the championship under his belt from last season and quite a few of the key players for both teams have been here before, deep into the playoffs.”

“And both teams are extremely well coached teams too, lots of experience on both staffs.”

“Absolutely, great programs top to bottom.”


“Hell of a first half gentlemen!” Coach Mack nearly shouted as the team filed into the locker room, obviously fired up but trying not to exude overconfidence in front of his team.

“Who's ready to finish this off?”

“Let's get it done!” Someone shouted to a chorus of shouts, cheers and stomping of cleated feet.

“Alright, we're up 42-21, and we haven't showed them a whole lot of our offense yet. We're going to open things up here out of the break, get on top of them quick!”

“We get out there and get a quick score and they gonna quit. Y'all know this!”


“Well Teddy how about some thoughts on that first half?”

“Been about what I expected when Richland Springs offense has had the ball. They've not had much trouble moving it into the endzone. Six scores in the first half, Powell throwing four of them and Tyler and Hendricks each running one in and really the Coyotes haven't done anything special. Mostly just Powell dropping back and getting it out and they've had a lot of success just running it straight ahead with Tyler and Hendricks too, winning the battle up front.”

“Great display of an efficient offensive attack by Richland Springs, seems like they have been able to catch the Motley County defense off guard. What about when Motley County has been on offense?”

“Just looking out of sync out there. Missing passes, having a bunch of trouble blocking up Hendricks and Pelletier and just sloppy play in general. Just not looking like themselves out there tonight.”

“Yeah and some great pass coverage by Rodriguez and Young has caused problems for them also.”

“Yup, defense. Who'd a thunk it?”

“Motley County will have to come up with something new in order to get things going on both sides of the ball really and I'm sure Richland Springs is going to come out strong looking to put the game away early.”


“Bring it in!” Cade shouted before the team got ready to take the field.

Devin, Erik, Tim, Ruben and Henry crowded around Cade.

“Let's fucking finish this!” Cade said with determination in his voice. “I don't want to coast to a win. I want to put this shit away.”

“Hell yeah!” Tim replied as Ruben punched Cade's chest.

“Scores and stops and let's get that damn trophy!”

“Hell yeah!” Ruben exclaimed.

“Coyotes Fight!”

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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 22 Jul 2019, 11:15

“So Richland Springs with the ball to start the second half and surely looking to put Motley away as soon as they can, wanting to keep their string of mercy rule wins going.”

“Pelletier snaps it to Young who pitches to Powell on an option look and he rolls to his right, looking to throw, looking to throw. Powell pulls it down and Hendricks with a great block and Powell is down the sideline untouched for the score!”

“Sold the pass so well and Motley was in man so everyone's chasing receivers and they just don't have the speed to recover on that one.”

- - -

“After the turnover by Motley County Richland Springs has the ball at midfield up 49-21.”

“Powell with the delayed hand off to Tyler, breaks a tackle, great blocking, bounces it outside and he's going to score again!”

“Motley just isn't able to do anything to slow down this Richland Springs team and they're running away with it now.”

- - -

“So Motley County is finally able put something together here late in the third quarter as Scott Davis finds the endzone on a screen pass from Blake Thomas.”

“That's gonna be too little too late though.”

“Yeah I think so too, short of a miracle comeback by Motley cause Richland Springs is on top 63-28 as we wind down the third quarter so Motley County may be able to get a couple stops and make this game go the full time but I don't think they're going to be able to come back.”

“Powell to Hendricks for 12 yards on the out.”

“Tyler runs right for a gain of five and a first down at midfield.”

“Hendricks rumbles up the middle for a gain of four to the 36.”

“Powell takes the snap and he's got Rodriguez on the slant, hits him, Rodriguez spins past one defender and he's into the endzone for six more. They'll convert on the run up the middle by Tyler and it's 70-28 Richland Springs and we're getting close to a 45 here.”

“Rodriguez continues to show off an impressive set of skills and really makes you wonder if he could get it done at the next level if he got the chance.”

“Maybe Motley can answer and keep this going but they haven't shown any reason for us to believe that they can slow down this Coyote offense.”

- - -

“Thomas takes the snap and rolls left, he's in trouble and he fires it downfield. Hill has a step on Rodriguez. Could be a big play here! WOW! Rodriguez closed a five yard gap in the blink of an eye and laid out to knock the pass down and that's another turnover on downs for Motley.”

- - -

“Cade, Cade!” Coach Mack shouted as he waved Cade over enthusiastically.

“What you got coach?” He asked, slowly backpedaling toward the field.

“You want to get in the endzone again, put this thing away quick?”

“You know I do!” Cade nodded.

“Let's get it! X motion reverse pitch pass!” He slapped the back of Cade's shoulder pads and he turned to jog to the huddle.

- - -

“Young's in motion and he takes the direct snap from Pelletier, Rodriguez going around and takes the pitch from Young. Rodriguez with blockers around the right end, lot's of space and this could be a big run.”

“No, no! Rodriguez pulls up and throws a laser to Powell who doesn't have a defender within 15 yards and he'll jog into the endzone and this one is history folks!”

“Back to back state championships for Richland Springs and that's their fifth since 2004. What a play! What a way to wrap up a game!”

- - -

Cade collapsed in the endzone, overwhelmed by all the emotions he had done his best to keep inside for the past two months. Soon he was joined by Ruben who got down on the ground beside him and spoke.

“We did it man, two in a row. She smiling up there man. You know she is.”

Ruben helped Cade to his feet and the two embraced before the rest of the team mauled them, not able to contain themselves any longer.

- - -

Well after the fanfare of the trophy presentation and a few interviews Cade and Ruben found themselves sitting on the bench, neither in a hurry to leave, both knowing it was the end of the line, albeit for different reasons.

Ruben was a senior and despite being one of the top receivers in six man football his prospects of playing after tonight weren't the best. He had talked about trying to walk on somewhere local but he was very unsure and had been living in the moment up until this point. Now he would be forced to think about things more and make a decision.

Cade was only a junior so another year of high school football was ahead of him. He was somewhat dismayed to be leaving Richland Springs but deep inside he knew he had to, he knew he needed a fresh start. Southlake Carroll was a very good football school and they had a star quarterback of their own in Kenny Hill. Hill would be a senior next season and was heading to Texas A&M after that as a four star recruit. Cade knew his chances of unseating him were slim to none, maybe less. He knew he was probably looking at a position change. The future was murky at best.

“How you think they gonna be here next year?” Ruben asked Cade.

“Hard to say man. Devin and Erik gonna have to lead. Lot of it's on Coach.”

Ruben merely nodded his head in response.
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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 22 Jul 2019, 11:27

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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 24 Jul 2019, 07:34

Cade took one last look around what had served as his makeshift home for the past month and a half. It wasn't much but he had come to be comfortable there. The space, and his level of comfort with the Macks, was very instrumental in helping him to settle into a routine and find some sense of normalcy there, despite his world having been turned upside down.

He stuffed the last of his clothes into a backpack, noticing that his recently earned state championship shirt was on top. He pulled it back out of the bag and took off his worn Adidas tank top, swapping the two.

“All ready dear?” Mrs. Mack asked from the top of the stairs.

“Yeah...” Cade replied, taking one last look around, not looking for anything in particular.

“Yeah.” He repeated as he headed up the stairs.

Cade had gone back and forth for some time trying to decide exactly when he would transition back to Southlake after finishing out the football season. Wait until next school year? After the new calendar year? The day after the last game?

Eventually they had decided that he would make the move over winter break, giving him some time to settle back in before the holidays, hoping that would make the sure to be difficult time a little easier.

Cade leaned his forehead against the window, watching as the only hometown he had ever known rolled past him.

“Can we stop for a second?” Cade asked as they approached a small house.

Mrs. Mack pulled over.

They sat in silence for a minute while he pondered his next move, looking through the window at the house. It wasn't run down but it certainly looked like the 40 year old home it was.

“I'll just be a minute.” Cade said as he stepped out of the car.

“Take your time dear. We've got all day.”

Cade stood in front of the house, staring at it, almost through it. He imagined his mother stepping out onto the small porch and greeting him. Is focus was broken when he heard a squeak behind him. He turned and noticed the realtor's sign sign swinging slightly in the light breeze.

Cade put his hands behind his head and took a deep breath.

He made his way around the property slowly, taking time to notice the eye bolts screwed into the pecan tree where his swing was as a child.

He noticed the dents in the old aluminum shed from years of his pitches banging against it. He could almost hear the sound they made.

He ran his fingers over the smooth top of the railing post that he'd used as a pivot point countless times when running inside.

When he had finally made his way back around to the front of the house he took one last, long look at it before turning away and climbing back into Mrs. Mack's car, turning the page to a new chapter in his life.
Last edited by djp73 on 24 Jul 2019, 15:59, edited 1 time in total.
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The Essence of Glory

Post by Fapplatte » 24 Jul 2019, 13:08

djp73 wrote:
22 Jul 2019, 11:27
nice one
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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 24 Jul 2019, 15:55

Fapplatte wrote:
24 Jul 2019, 13:08
nice one
thanks homie, excited to get into 2012!
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