The Moolie.

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The Moolie.

Post by Chillcavern » 14 Dec 2018, 18:07

Things are heating up for poor Donte here. Oof

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Post by Soapy » 15 Dec 2018, 11:08

Donte pulled on the string that hung above him and stood up, using the rail to balance himself as the bus came to a creaking halt. The doors swung open and Donte hopped off, throwing his hoodie over his head before starting his walk down the street. He walked for a few minutes, taking the map that was in his back pocket out for a few times before making it a right and there it was.

The majority of the stores in the strip mall either weren't open for the day yet or were closed, some with half of their signs missing or not lit up at all. A grocery store was the center piece and it was flanked on each side by three different stores that almost formed a circle around the small parking lot. There was a Chinese restaurant, a beauty salon and a pet supply store to it's right with an unmarked store, a nail salon and all the way to the left was the liquor store. It was a quarter past seven and most of the stores were still closed, including the liquor store. The parking lot was empty outside of a few cars that were parked directly in front of the grocery store. The driveway that led into the parking lot had a bench which also served as a bus stop.

Donte walked around the lot for a few minutes before heading into the grocery store and milling around before finding something cheap enough to not make a dent in his pocket. The cashier was a younger gentlemen in his twenties who seemed puzzled when Donte only handed the gentlemen a piece of gum.

"What time does the liquor store open?" Donte asked as he handed the cashier a dollar bill.

"Nine," he answered before cashing Donte out and giving him back a quarter, "They stay open pretty late, though. I've seen them be open when I work the late shift and am closing and that's after eleven."


On one hand, Donte was glad to know that he hadn't missed the opening. On the other, he would have to brace the cold temperatures on the aforementioned bench, waiting for any movement that came. Those movements finally came around 8:10 AM when a Jeep pulled up right in front of the sidewalk that was facing the liquor store. A man in his 30s, maybe early 40s, came out with a set of keys and opened the door of the door, locking it behind him before he disappeared into the darkness of the store.

Another ten minutes go by before another car pulls up, this time it's a pickup truck with apparent cleaning supplies in the back. An elderly man comes out, maybe in his 60s, with a slight limp and knocks on the door. He waits for about five minutes before the door is opened by the same man from before. They share a brief greeting before the older gentleman goes back towards his pickup truck to get the supplies while the other gentleman, the apparent owner, disappears back into the shop. The older man grabs his supplies and heads into the store for about five minutes before coming back outside to wipe down the windows. The owner comes out the store once again, it's a quarter-to-nine by now, and shares a smoke with the cleaner outside the shop. Two men show up, each in different cars, that seem to be in their 20s, maybe even 18 or 19. They shake hands before going into the shop as well. At 8:55, the cleaner hugs the owner and goes back into his car while the owner lingers around for a bit before going into the shop and flipping the sign that hung on the door.

They're open now.


Donte makes the same bus trip, one that takes him 30 minutes each way as the local bus is $0.75 cheaper than the city one, and sits on the same bench for the next few days. He watches the same routine occur time and time again. The owner gets in at 8:10 am, 8:15 the latest and opens shop, closing the door behind him. The cleaner is in by 8:30 and by 8:45, the two employees clock in for their shift before the store is opened at 9am.

Fifteen minutes, that's all Donte has.

"I can tell you ain't been eating," Ms. Parker said with pure disgust in her tone as she watched Donte finish the last bite of the rice and beef stew she had just served him, "I can see your collarbones from here."

"Come on," Donte said with a light chuckle as he used he used the collar of his hoodie to wipe his mouth, "I've just been saving room for your amazing cooking, miss."

"Is that why you ain't been coming around, lately? Just saving room?"

"Just been busy," Donte shrugged as Ms. Parker took his plate from him and headed towards the kitchen. Despite her age, gravity hadn't taken a toll on her physique.

"Doing what? Esther tell me you ain't helping her with the deliveries no more."

"Tell her I'm sorry about that," Donte threw his hands up, "You know how hectic life can get."

"I sure do," she sucked her teeth, "Let's get you out of these clothes, they smell like outside."

Donte let out a wry laugh before following Ms. Parker into her son's room where she perused through the closet before pulling out a blue, long sleeve sweatshirt that read 'HIGH PORT ACADEMY' and placed it on the bed. Donte leaned forward to grab it but she smacked his hand away.

"Take it off," she instructed as Donte obliged, pulling his hoodie over his head. By the time the hoodie was no longer covering his eyes and face, Ms. Parker was swaying her hips from side to side as she tried to get out of her tight fitting dress, "Help me get this off."

Donte did so, getting on his knees to help pull her dress off. She placed her left leg on his shoulder before taking a seat on the bed and then placed her right leg on her shoulder until his head was directly in between her thighs.

"The little I-talian part of you better not be in this room," she brayed with laughter as she took off her bra, "You ain't been eating, right? Eat up, stallion."


Donte slowly rolled out of bed, careful not to wake her up. The sun hadn't come up yet but the streets light had peaked through the blinds, providing him some guidance as he reached for her watch and the set of keys that were on the nightstand. He slid into his pants and threw his hoodie on as well as the sweatshirt. He quietly exited the apartment, making sure one last time that he hadn't woken her up. He hurried up down the steps, slapping her watch onto his wrist before getting into her car. He hadn't driven in a while but after the first few minutes, it all came rushing back to him.

Uncle Bobby would take Donte on a few road trips a year and after a few drinks, Donte would end up behind the wheel. Donte didn't always appreciate those visits, not the way he does now. They slowed down once Donte turned sixteen and by the time he graduated high school uncle Bobby visiting became a rarity. He had kids of his own now, kids that actually had and needed their own father in their lives.

It wasn't long before Donte found himself in that all-familiar strip mall, this time he was waiting in a car instead of the on the bench. He kept checking his watch and taking a look at the gun that sat on the passenger seat as it was just donning on him now that he had never bothered to fire the gun. He didn't know much about guns, he had never fired on. He thought about driving a few blocks down and firing a shot to make sure it was working. But what if that practice shot got some attention and someone called the cops? He stuck out like a sore thumb in this neighborhood. A black thumb.

Before Donte could decide what he was going to do regarding the gun, the jeep was pulling up. Donte sunk into his chair, pulling his sweatshirt over his mouth and bringing his hoodie down to cover the top of his head, leaving only his eyes exposed. He watches as the owner, like clockwork, goes into the shop, locks the door and disappears. Donte grabs the gun and tucks it into his waistband while he anxiously awaits for the pickup truck and sure enough, a few minutes early in fact, comes the pickup truck. It stops in front of the store, like it always does, and out comes the older gentlemen who knocks on the door. The owner comes out right away and they share a longer greeting than usual before the owner disappears back into the store and the cleaner walks back towards his car.

Donte gets out of the car, throws a bag over his back and in a low stance, starts walking towards the cleaner who has a bucket and a mop in his hand and is heading towards the store. Donte slowly takes out the gun and places it right into the back of the cleaner's neck and puts his left hand over his mouth. The cleaner's body jolts but Donte presses the gun even harder against his neck and he quickly relaxes.

"Go inside," Donte whispers to him.

They quickly go inside the store as Donte's eyes are quickly scanning for the owner. It's his first time being inside of the store and thinking back on it, he probably should have made a visit to scout the place. Hindsight is always 20/20.

"Jerry," Donte hears coming from inside a closet, "Can you use that purple shit instead of the yellow shit today? I don't like the smell of that ye...."

The owner is frozen as soon as he exits the closet and sees the sight of Donte with his arm around Jerry's neck and the gun now pointing at him.

"Get the fucking money," Donte instructs. He wants to limit the dialogue and any acts of grandeur. He's never done this before and he's only got fifteen minutes. Actually, twelve minutes now.

There isn't much of a resistance as the owner slowly walks beyond the cash register and clacks away before it opens up. He starts taking out the cash, it's not much, maybe a few hundred dollars. Donte knows Uncle Bobby is expecting more than that, a lot more than that.

"The safe," Donte points toward the closet, taking a total guess.

"I don't have a safe," the owner pleads.

Donte points the gun back towards Jerry, "I said the fucking safe!"


The owner puts his hand up, "It's in there."

Donte releases his grip on Jerry and shoves him towards the owner, motioning with his gun for them to lead him into the closet. It's not much of a closet after all, instead, it's a full blown office. There's a desk and a few chairs with boxes and boxes on top of each other and right there on the desk, in plain sight, is a safe. The type of safes you see at motels, nothing too fancy. The owner doesn't waste much time opening it and emptying the contents of it onto the table. This is easy, surprisingly easy. Donte takes off his bag and pulls out four pair of handcuffs that, ironically, were used on him the night before as well as pieces of duct tape. He throws them towards the owner and Jerry.

"Go in that corner, place that shit over your mouth, do your feet first and then your hands."

"Do you know what you're doing son? To who you're doing this?" the owner said while the cleaner simply obliged and placed the duct tape over his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up," Donte said as he punted the gun back towards the owner. The owner shook his head but then followed Donte's instruction, duct taping his mouth before cuffing himself. Donte loaded the money into his bag as well as some of the documents that were also in the safe. He wasn't sure what it was that they wanted but he wasn't going to take any chances. He closed the door behind him and was startled by the sight of someone knocking on the door. They couldn't see him as he ducked behind the register counter. Luckily, whoever was knocking, didn't try opening the door.

Instead, they walked back towards a truck that was now standing directly in front of the store. Donte peaked out to inspect the truck and it read 'PORT BAY WINE AND SPIRITS'. Donte looked around the store and it's shelves were pretty empty, this was likely a restock day, something he hadn't discovered. Getting into a low stance, he quickly walked across the door and out of the store. The man had disappeared into the back of the truck and Donte took a look inside of the cabin to make sure that he was alone and he appeared to be. Creeping around the side, Donte made his way to the back as well and in broad day light, stuck the gun right in the surprised man's face.

"Get inside," Donte motioned his gun towards the inside of the cargo of the truck. The man walked up the ramp with his arm up and into the cargo which was filled with boxes. Donte looked behind him, making sure that no one was coming but the parking lot did have a few cars and it was unclear if there were people in them, watching all of this go down.

"Today's your lucky day," Donte said as he started feeling himself. Maybe he was actually good at this, "Got any scotch in there?"

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The Moolie.

Post by Soapy » 15 Dec 2018, 11:15

Do you guys prefer longer updates (like the last one) or shorter ones like I've been doing?
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Post by Chillcavern » 15 Dec 2018, 11:38

Soapy wrote:
15 Dec 2018, 11:15
Do you guys prefer longer updates (like the last one) or shorter ones like I've been doing?
I like this mix tbh, a couple of shorter ones to build up suspense and then the longer one when shit gets real :yep:

So honestly, whatever fits you at the time or whatever, lol

Also, I love sleeping with the old lady and taking her clothes, Brilliant
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Post by djp73 » 20 Dec 2018, 15:50

mix of longer and shorter is good. i'd break them up if they're from different times

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Post by Soapy » 22 Dec 2018, 08:50

i aint forget about y'all, gonna try to sneak in and update or two during the break but come the new year, this baby lit.

Starting in January, a new update will be out every Monday.

Moolie Monday's.

And yes you can say it and not be racist my white brothers.

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Post by KimJongBaze » 24 Dec 2018, 16:57

1 week until Moolie Mondays.
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Post by Chillcavern » 24 Dec 2018, 18:29

~Just another Moolie Monday~
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Post by djp73 » 26 Dec 2018, 08:28

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Post by Caesar » 26 Dec 2018, 21:00

Man like Donte gotta plan his licks better. Now, there are at least 3 witnesses because he lollygagged getting the loot. Amateur.
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