Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 18 May 2023, 15:50

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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 18 May 2023, 15:50


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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by mvp » 19 May 2023, 09:58

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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 19 May 2023, 20:28

mvp wrote:
19 May 2023, 09:58
:bazechief: Trying to give Spike Lee a run for his money
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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 19 May 2023, 20:33



"I can't believe it, look at you!" Stephen expressed.

"Why you can't believe it? You didn't have faith in your own son or something?" Gabriel questioned.

"Always had the faith, just never thought I'd live to see the day. My son, Gabriel Quarterman, a high school graduate. I know your mother would be proud if she were here."

"Really Dad, you bring her up, of all times?" Gabriel smile dwindle a bit with the thought of his mother crossing his mind during his special day.

Gabriel Quarterman, affectionately known as "G'" by many among family, friends, and runners in the streets, is a now 18 years old kid, hailing from Harlem, NY. His mother, Marilyn Thompson, last known as a airline stewardess, whom she met Gabriel's father, Stephen midst a flight and gave birth to the baby boy. Unfortunately, things didn't pan out between the two now-former lovers, Marilyn ultimately abandons her family and defects on her own. Not much is disclosed to Gabriel of the incident, but was never really questioned. But the news swept the streets of the A.K. projects among the kids his age and the "motherless child" teases followed suit. This in turn brooded the rage inside him, conflicted with his outer emotions, G' found him-self often in trouble in school, the community parents and at times, the law. For a single father, Stephen raised his son to the best of his capabilities. Though there were more difficult and disappointing times than happy memories, Stephen made sure G' was loved and always had the best opportunities in life. And as almost every boy's aspiration in New York City, basketball became the mecca of the lives who swarm to The Rucker, The Cage, The Dyckman worlds of basketball sanctuaries. Almost on every block, if there wasn't a basketball court in the playground, there was a kid working on his/her handles on the way to one. So the dream had chosen G' to be the next baller to rise through the ranks. From a solo participant, to recreation, all the way through intermediate school and high school. G' had excelled at the game of basketball as it been his lifelong passion. Basketball was the lion tamer that Stephen desperately needed. Seeing his son take to it like fish in water, he exposed Gabriel to every espect of the sport as he could, which led to untapped potential to be throttled by the young gangs and dealers that tended to take over parks as their "illegal station". Stephen and Gabriel moved to White Plains, New York, where G' had attended Archbishop Stepinac High School. For three years straight, G' was named Player of the Year, winning All-City Basketball tourneys, but couldn't capture the elusive All-State Championship. But the dream continued, with or without a mother...

I know, and I'm sorry. I just know the mother in her would've been happy to see you all grown up and graduating. I'm sorry this isn't the biggest turnout for your graduation-"

"Hey, come on, as long as you showed up, I couldn't be more happier." G' interjected.

"Oh, I would never missed this for the world son." Stephen pats G' on the back with a big smile. "I'm so proud of you son."

"Thanks, Dad."

One of G's varsity teammates, Cory Sampson, pulled up on G's flank. "Yooo! What's up my guy? Congrats, we finally made it outta here!"

"Yeah man, about time. I'm not going to hold you, I never want to see this place again. Especially Ms. Esperanza."

"Man, tell me about it! She's always on my case for getting to class late. Nobody understands me about this lockers being rigged man. I literally had to ask a janitor to jimmy my locker two weeks ago." Cory whined about before acknowledging Stephen. "Oh, what's up Mr. Q?! Good to see you, sir!"

"It's Mr. Quarterman, not Q. Nevertheless, congratulations Cory on walking the stage."

"Thanks Mr. Q, means a lot!" Cory smirks as Stephen grimed with the side-eye roll. "Yo, so hey, me and the boys are gathering at my place to celebrate. Honeys and food, it's always a nice combination. Amirite? Amirite?"

Stephen clears his throat with the concerned expression on his face. "I hope this party of yours has supervisors to maintain things, Cory?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah, my parents will be there. They sprung this idea last weekend, I've been getting the word out."

"Wait, how come I'm just finding out about it?" G' asked.

"Hey man, it's not like you're the last to know. Just wanted to make sure there was a party for the life of the party to come to!"

Stephen looks at G' as if he had some explaining to do if there were some unknown adventures, but G' just shrugged in glance.

"So, you mind if I go?" G' asking Stephen for his blessing.

"I think you're well passed the age of asking for my permission for a frivolous party, now that you're a graduate and all. I'm assuming no beer will be there, party is supervised. You boys have fun."

"Cool Pops, thanks."

"Yeah, Pops, cool!" Cory added.

"Just to be safe, I'll hang around a bit and talk to Mr. & Mrs. Sampson, I haven't seen them in a while, a nice little visit won't hurt."

"Really, Dad?"

"No worries, if everything checks out, I'll make my exit. Just want to make sure it's nothing too out of control."

"Awh, don't worry!" Cory single-arm hugs G'. "We and the boys gonna have a blast! The Westchester party of the century!"

"That's what I'm afraid of..." Stephen rebutted.

The graduation ceremony was pretty much wrapped up and people were making their exit after parlaying amongst themselves. Stephen checked his watch for the time. "So kid, you sticking around here, catch some of your schoolmates?"

"Uh, yeah. I'ma hang around for a few. I'll catch a ride with Cory here since the party is at his place."

"Sounds good. Okay son, I won't parade any longer. Be sure to be safe out here and text me on your way home."

"Will do." G' gave his father a hug once more. "Oh, you mind handling this?" He passes on his diploma to Stephen's care.

"Gladly. You lose this, your ass doing another 12 years." Stephen jested.

"Yeah, nah, we off that!"

Stephen departed the party of three, leaving the two bandits to scheme. Cory appeared to be looking around for someone to G's curiosity.

"Who you looking for?"

"More like, who I'm avoiding."


"Shantay." Cory disclosed.

"Wait, Shantay with the big ass? Or the one with the big ta-tas?"

"Ta-tas? What is this? 3rd grade? Yes her. Brace face been hounding me since prom bro. She just won't lay off."

"Man, that girl into you like that? You better tackle that. You know those "ugly ducklings" be glowing up like crazy.

"Man, forget all that. That drool face behemoth is the last person I want to be around right now. She violated at the prom."

G' took a mental flashback of what happened at prom night, impromptu a burst of laugh. Cory wasn't too pleased with Gabriel laughing at his woe. "Don't you dare utter a word about it, G'."

"Uh oh, speak of the devil.."

Cory looked in the direction G' was looking, spotting Shantay.

"Heeeeeeeyyyy Boooooooo!!!"

Shantay barges her way through the crowd towards the two, some stepping in the way of her, letting Cory frantically make his haste exit. "Yo, I gotta go!"

"What about my ride?"

"Nah! Nah, I gotta go! Meet me at the crib at 9! Make sure she doesn't follow me!"

Left in disarray, G' turned his attention to incoming Shantay. Shantay was a hefty girl, had a bit of curve, but her appeal orbited around her ample chest. She couldn't have been no smaller than a 36JJ, but had the face of a french bulldog. Huffing and out of breath from searching high and low for Cory, she quickly grilled Gabriel.

"Gabby! Where's Cory? I know he was here! I heard him. He's always hanging around you!"

"First off, catch your breath. Secondly, my name is not Gabby, and I don't know what you're talking about. I was here with my Dad this whole time."

"So, where is he? Your Dad?"

"He just left. I hung back, but I'm actually about to leave my-self."

"You see Cory, you make sure to tell him to call me! I'm not playing with you!"

"Alright, you got it. I'll see to it he get the message." G' smugged a fake smile like a politician caught red handed as Shantay barrelled down the hall.

"Oh, this is way too good..."

Just as G' was about to make his exit off the premises, a stark baritone voice shouted out to him. "Gabriel! Gab! Hold up for a second."

Turning his attention to the caller revealed his varsity coach, Coach Gaines. "What's up Coach?"

"Congrats on the graduation, son. Just wanted to say how proud I am to have had a student-athlete like you under our banner these past four years."

"I appreciate that, thank you for giving me the opportunity. I know wasn't the easiest person to get along with, but-"

"But nothing. You're a damn fine young kid, who just needed a nudge in the right direction and don't let it be nothing else."

"You got it. Didn't expect you to be hanging around for this."

"Well, giving that it's my gym, can't let these honky-dorries scratch up my beautiful hardwood."

"You really paid for the new hardwood? Thought the "big wigs" on the board handle that?"

"Hell with them. They was allocating money everywhere but the auditorium. New bleachers, equipment, floor, all me."

"... On a high school salary?" an unbelieving G' asked.

"Nope. That's for me to know and you to never coerce your-self into faculty business."

"Fair enough. But hey, it's been good talking to you, thank you for everything, but I'ma get going."

"Okay, hold on a sec. Here's what I'm really here for." Coach Gaines hands G' an white unmarked envelope. A bit hesitant, G' opens the envelope, pulling out a card and a pre-loaded debit card. Opening the card, G' reads the note inside.

"To the grandest athlete I've ever had the pleasure to coach, and the most unruliest student to tried my patience. I award thee, Gabriel Quarterman, for his excellence in teamwork, hard work, sportsmanship above showmanship. Not only you were a great player, but an even greater locker room presence. Thank you for bringing our school and team a successful tenure. May you enjoy this departing care package of $5,000- $5,000?!?!" Gabriel shouted.

"Yep. You earned it kiddo."

"Wait, hold up, I can't accept this. I did nothing for this and this is way too much."

"Don't sweat it. Everyone got a small piece of the action for $8,000. You, on the other hand, get a big piece of the pie. You brought us recognition, titles and fame. We've never had a athlete like you before. Those fans that filled up the bleachers, they came to see you. Even the ones that packed in the doorways when we were over capacity, for you. Aside from the seniors before you, the juniors, sophomores and freshmen stayed on the team because of you. Many of them wanted to quit and do something else, but you lit a fire in their bellies to never give up. And those scouters? Man, there was so many of them. You'd think LeBron James or Carmelo Anthony was here. But you built a lot of buzz around your-self, it's crazy you never even acknowledge it. Your face was even in the newspaper! Who even read those things anymore?"

"Coach, what am I supposed to do with all this money?"

"Do whatever you want. Buy some fancy Jordans, buy a new console, a bike, go out and get you a grand meal or something, whatever your heart desires."

"How you even-"

"Uh-uh! Faculty. Business." Coach Gaines reiterated.

"Thanks, Coach."

"I gotta ask. Have you given any thought where you want to go? College, I mean."

"I haven't verbally committed to anywhere just yet." G' answered.

"There's many school out there that are clamoring to have you, but don't let the opportunity to go to a great school slip by. Scholarships are limited."

"I'll keep that in mind coach, I understand how important it is to pick a good school. Just haven't given thought of journey I wish to take until you brought it up."

"Well, wherever you decide to go to, I'm rooting for you, Quarterman."

"Glad to know you'll always be in my corner." G' shook Coach Gaines' hand with a sturdy grip and made his way with $5,000 in tow.

With a diploma secured, and a lump sum of money, G's school daze were finally over. Keeping in mind of what his coach had pierced his mind with, scouts were lurking and destined to reach out. A basketball player of his caliber wasn't one to overlook, except he him-self. But with the future so close, yet so far away, G's attention adverted to this impromptu graduation party at Cory's. You know what they say, honeys and food is always a good combination...
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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by Agent » 20 May 2023, 08:23

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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 23 May 2023, 20:31

Agent wrote:
20 May 2023, 08:23
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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 23 May 2023, 20:33



It's been weeks since the graduation, summer time was here and things were heating up. Ever since Gabriel received that lump sum of money from Coach Gaines, he couldn't figure out what to do with it for him-self. After discussing it with Cory, the two decided on a getaway trip to Miami. With both parents consenting the freedom, Cory getting a sponsor, the two made out to the Sunshine State in no time. The boys indulged in the visuals of Miami Beach and it's offerings. Soaking in the sun, experiencing the Latin food such as Pollos & Jarras & Cvi.Che 105, buying memorabilia, decking out new fits, Miami became a burning sensation through G's money. Luckily enough, he had a wad of cash set aside from part-time jobbing to supplement the flow. Both G' and Cory were having the time of their life, even if it was a short while...

"Maaaan, this is the life G', I can get used to this very quickly."

"I know man. The scene, the music, the women, the food, it's booming out here."

"Hell yeah! Especially the women. They ain't got these back home", Cory expressed as he took in the eye candy on a daytime stroll. "slim ones, thick ones, slim thicks, slim fits, tall ones, vanilla all the way to the chocolate! These broads are bad bro!"

"Pick up your jowl man" G' laughed. "We got the same back home in the city."

"Yeah man, but it ain't the same. Girls back home all rough around the edges, masculine energy for no reason. Out here, they look all soft, they smell nice."

"I seen the way a couple of honeys checking you out the other day."

"Yeah, you know, they feeling the kid out here man!"

"Yeah, either that, or you looking like an easy prey on these streets. Gotta be careful, Cory. Everything that's glamour isn't... Glamorous, I guess."

"Way to go G', you sure dropped some science there." Cory chuckled at G's attempt at being deep. "So, what we doing tonight? Hitting up a spot? Bag a couple honeys and show out?"

"I don't know man. These last few nights been a banger after banger. Kind of want to be low key tonight and digest some of this."

"What? Calling it quits already!? My man, no, no, no, no, no! Not having it! We didn't come out here for you to dry up like a raisin in a telly! Come on bro." Cory pulls out his phone and did some googling, showing his finding moments later. "Look, Club Space. We can mosey to this joint, have another banger to finish the week out. Read some reviews and they saying this a top quality club for the 18+."

"You really trying to live your best life in a week, huh?" G' asked.

"A week? I'm thinking of moving here. I'm convinced this is the place to be G'"

"And do what? Fresh out of high school. What? You gonna pull a "Scarface" out here?"

"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one" Cory recited. "I can figure something out. In the meantime, I could do some DJ'ing. How hard can it be? These days, it's all laptop equipment anyway."

The two arrived at Yardbird Table & Bar, grabbing seats for lunch before continuing their conversation. Cory ordered the chicken & waffles, while G' ordered the St. Louis ribs and deviled eggs.

"So earlier, all this talk about moving to Miami, DJ'ing. What about basketball? You not going to college?"

"Yeah, I still plan on going to college, but not for basketball. I don't have the goods like you do... Or she do, god damn."

"Focus" G' asserted.

"Yeah, my fault. I'm just not cut out of that kind of nitty grind. Don't get me wrong, it's been fun, we balled out, we can still ball out, just recreationally. But pursuing a lifestyle around basketball? Nah man, not for me."

"Damn, and here I had you all figured out that you was gonna go to college and ball."

"Nah man, what about you? That's your plan?"

"Couldn't be more obvious." G' sat back in his chair, taking in the outdoor warm breeze. "Basketball is all I know, and all I got. Been looking at a few schools that wants me."

"Say word, that's what's up. Big schools? What you looking at?"

Gabriel went over of the list of schools, naming several from a broad spectrum of conferences. Just as he finished, their food arrived on time, hot and ready.

"So, I'm taking it that you haven't made a decision yet... Your Dad know?"

"Nah, I haven't. I know I can't wait long on it. And he knows just as much, but haven't had that discussion of which school I should commit to. Safe bet is he'll want me to go my own way."

"True..." Cory says as he gorged on the food.

"You imbecile, chew, swallow, pause, then speak" G' suggested.

"I got this. You dig into those ribs or I will. They smell good as a mug!"

As the day pressed on into the night, Cory convinced Gabriel to hit the town, as things were starting to heat up on a summer's Friday night. After making their way to 11th Street, the boys found themselves in the midst of a euphoria. Strobe lights everywhere, loud EDM, and a plethora of faces enjoying themselves. The place was packed, so it went without saying the body temperature kept places "moist"...

"Bro! What's up? Join the fun man!"

"Nah, I'm good right here. I'm enjoying the view."

"Man, you've been nursing that drink all night, don't leave me hanging my man!" Moments later, to Gabriel's knowledge, a random woman latched herself onto Cory's side with a devilish grin on her face. "Hey, look who I got with me! Her name's Cynthia! She says she's from Columbia!"

Gabriel nods her way in salutation.

"I think she has a friend over there, somewhere! Come join us!" Cory insisted with the help of Cynthia tugging at G's clothes to invite, but G' roots him-self next to the bar.

"I'm good bro, you enjoy. Somebody gotta watch over your happy ass"

And with that, Cory shrugs then takes a shot of the tequila he nursing him-self along with his hottie for the night. The two danced their way into the sea of the crowd, getting lost in the moment. Gabriel checked out the scenery, checking the eyes on him. Some looking enticed to parlay, others, not so much. It's been nearly 45 minutes and four shots later, Gabriel felt loose enough to actually intertwine in the function. Just as G' began to move to the dance floor to find a partner, he noticed a face of familiarity off in the distance. Not sure if it was the lights playing tricks on his eyes, or this figure was true. Gabriel begins to make his way towards the suspicious woman, with a few bodies in between them as she became more clearer. With a quick glance, the woman looks Gabriel's way and locked eyes for a moment until ruckus adverted everyone's attention from glass shattering.

"That's my girl puta! Stay the fuck away from my girl!"

For some reason, it clicked in Gabriel's mind to rush over just as Security struggled to make way to the scene. Getting there first, G' noticed Cory hemmed up by a serious looking guy. Without guessing the guy was much older and bigger, he looked like the type to not mess with, but G' wasn't having that.

"Hey, ayo, he's with me! Let him go, ease up!" G' tries to pry, along with Cynthia screaming at the guy, confirming they did know each other. Despite G's efforts, the guy easily shoves G' away. On instinct, G' takes matters into his own hands and flanks the guy with a right hook, stumbling him into the other guy next to him. It didn't knock the guy out, but it was enough for him to release Cory as the two make haste of their exit.

Getting past two security guards, the two finally catches their breath down the block away from Club Space. "Ha haaah!" Cory goes into a roar. "Did you see that?! Cleaned that man's head off smooth bro! That's what I'm talking about!"

"Yo... What the hell!? What happened?" G' asked confused to the whole situation.

"You my man, saved my ass. That's what happened! I owe you one, for real."

"Cory, bro... I told you... Be careful with these girls man. You don't know none of these broads from Timbuktu. That man could've really did some serious shit to you had I not been there."

"That's the exhilarating part, ain't it?? Don't get me wrong, I was kinda scared shitless, but I wasn't going to back down!"

"Over a broad??? You crazy man. Forget this, I'm going back to the hotel."

"Alright, alright, enough fun for tonight I guess." Cory obliged. "Can we at least take a Uber back? Feeling kinda light-headed. I don't think.. I can-" instantly, Cory collapse to the ground, getting G's attention to check on him immediately. With a few shakes and slaps to wake up Cory, sure enough, Cory out cold. G' tries not to freak out and gets his friend back to the hotel in one piece. It was safe to assume Cory was drugged, almost becoming a victim...
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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by Agent » 23 May 2023, 21:08

G threw the right hook with precision.

what are the offers so far?
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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by chosenone58 » 23 May 2023, 23:25

Locked in fam
Creator of Derek Baldwin da Gawd
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