Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 07 Jun 2023, 12:51

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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 07 Jun 2023, 12:53

mvp wrote:
07 Jun 2023, 12:25
still got his buckets before going down. hopefully these dudes can keep the team afloat in his absence to keep its march madness bid alive
Man, hopefully. That's a good 15-20 points we're going to miss out on for a while. Boys gonna have to tighten up, especially DeBerry, out there bricking open 3's :smh:
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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by Agent » 08 Jun 2023, 21:30

Dang is he gonna have those Steph Curry ankles his whole career :troll:

Minor setback to a major comeback.
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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 10 Jun 2023, 19:42

Agent wrote:
08 Jun 2023, 21:30
Dang is he gonna have those Steph Curry ankles his whole career :troll:

Minor setback to a major comeback.
FML :drose:
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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 10 Jun 2023, 19:43

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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 10 Jun 2023, 22:38

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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by Agent » 11 Jun 2023, 15:58

#16th in the nation lets goooo! Jeffries :baze:
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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 11 Jun 2023, 16:00

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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 11 Jun 2023, 16:03



Sunday night rolled in and everyone was stoked for the big game tonight. The Boston College Eagles were set to take on their rivals, the Boston University Terriers. On paper, the game seemed one-sided, but paper never won games. More importantly, bragging rights were on the line nonetheless. Though G' couldn't be with his team in uniform, he decided to stay inside and watch the game in the common room with some of the other fanatic students. With Cameron, Kelly, and Nikita in tow, the crew was the livest bunch, being a bit more entertaining than the game it-self. Boston College managed to defeat Boston University; 69-65, allowing everyone to parlay in good spirits. With the game over, the night was still young for them, so they decided to hop in a Uber and hit up a outdoor theater to extend their enjoyable weekend...

"Man, look at this place. This is nice, better than I expected." Cameron complimented as the group departed the Uber, checking out the scenery.

"Yeah, looks like they're closed though, don't see anyone around." Nikita pointed out.

"I'll go ask the lady at the ticket booth, hang on a sec." Gabriel hobbled on his bad leg, still feeling the affects of the sprained ankle, but he wasn't going to let it stop him from living his life. After a brief moment speaking to the woman behind the plexiglass, G' waved over his friends with tickets in hand. "Yo, we're good. We got the last showing for the night!"

The group followed Gabriel to their seats as Kelly made a b-line to the concession stand. Unbeknownst to Kelly, Gabriel followed suit and insisted on paying for the drinks and snacks. With just the four of them in attendance, the night was theirs. And tonight's showing, "Sorry To Bother You".

"This place isn't bad, it's really nice and cozy, and so many plush seats. How'd you find this place Cam?" Kelly asked.

"Google is your friend, as I always say." Cameron responded. "This was the only place, and closest to campus that was open at this hour. My guess is, they get a lot of us college people here on the late nights."

"Either way, good job finding this." G' gives a fist bump to Cameron.

"No doubt. Even better that they do redbox throwbacks. You don't typically see summer movies on the marquee around this time. I don't think too many places do this at all actually."

The group engrossed themselves into a bit of conversation and the movie, enjoying LaKeith Stanfield's performance. About halfway through the movie, G' heads back to the concession with Cameron for more popcorn.

"So, G', what's up with it?"

"With what?"

"You know, you and Kelly. Y'all been almost stuck to each other's sides all day."

"It ain't nothing man, we just chilling, all of us. Kelly's cool, she's good peoples."

"Gotta be more than just good peoples. Y'all been hitting it off since you got here at BC."

"Cam, she's just a good friend. I've been hanging out with you a lot lately too, man. I enjoy the company." G' tries to laugh off the suggestion.

"Yeah, okay. I see how it is."

"What's with the 3rd degree? How about you and Nikita? What's going on with that?" G' tries to deflect.

"I'm working on that. She's really about her studies though... Got to give her credit though, she's smart as hell, and damn beautiful too. But don't try to deflect bro, what's up with y'all?"

"I already told you Cam, she's just a good friend. That's all there's to it."

"Well, you know she's good with Nikita, and they talk. And so does Nikita talk with me. Few days ago, she mentioned Kelly about you."

G' turned up his face in disbelief, "Stop lying."

"Nah man, all on the up and up. Word is, Kelly has mentioned you a handful of times to her, even once in my presence when we was at Starbucks. I think she's taken a shine to you, bro."

"She's really been talking about me to y'all?"

"Yeah, well, not me, per-say, I just happened to be there with them when she blurted you out, wondering what type of frap you like or whatever."

G' looks over to Kelly and Nikita as their attention was tuned in on the movie. "I mean, I never really saw her like that. Don't get me wrong, she's fine as hell, but I'm not trying to impede on her healing process."

"Oooh, she told you about her ex?"

"Yeah. Never met the guy, don't care for him either. But I can't see my-self taking advantage of her vulnerable state."

"I feel you on that Gabe, dude was a rather asshole to most people around campus. Was on the football team, but he was a bum, was never gonna make it pro. They cut him from the team and he dogged Kelly."

"... Shit man... Just hearing that is making me tight."

"Yeah man, her parents' problems just put her over the top, she's been depressed for weeks. THEN, you came around."

"Whoa, whoa, hold up. I'm nobody's savior. I just happened to stumble upon her at the Comm."

"And the rest was history" Cameron interjected.

"Come on man, wait a minute, what about me? Ever took the minute to think if I already had someone?"

Cameron stares a hole in G's face with dead eyes, clearly not falling for that.

"Not buying that aren't you?"

"Nope. Not one bit of it. You ain't got no bitches on your tip, bro."

"How do you know what be on my tip? [Pause]"

"I'm just saying G', I've never seen you with anyone else but Kelly. Not for nothing, I know some of the girls around campus got their eye on you, I'd be careful of that. Some of the jocks probably won't take too kindly to the fresh face causing a scene."

"Man, don't worry, the last thing I'm trying to do is get that kind of exposure."

"Aight man, I said my piece. I just thought you'd know what's going on. I figured you was trying to set up shop."

"I appreciate that, but if it happens, it'll happen naturally. No push, no shove."

"Cool bro, like your style. I was secretly hoping you keep cool about it. While Kelly isn't my flavor, she's still a good friend to me over the year. Don't want to see her hurt like before."

"Nah, I dig it. Respect. I'm sure she'd be happy to know she got a friend in you like that. I'm on the same wavelength, so don't worry about that."

"Cool brother, see you back over there."

Cameron left G' in thought as well as the bill for the extra snacks. Now pondering about Kelly, he wonders if something is really there and what could be made of it. Getting back to his seat, he wasn't going to invest anymore thoughts into it, as he decided to let whatever comes his way, be. With the remainder the night going as copacetic til the movie's end, the four enjoyed their laughs before making their way back to campus. With Cameron and Nikita going their way, G' insisted walking Kelly to her dorm.

"How's your ankle holding up? Not in too much pain are you?"

"Nah, it's alright for now. It's a bit agitating, but I'll survive til I'm back in my room."

"Well, I really had a good time with you guys tonight, think it was much needed."

"Yeah, glad to be a part of the night with you."

"Awe, you're too sweet." Kelly tries to hide her blushing but G' notices it.

"Are you blushing?" Not taking long to put her on the spot, though it was kind of convincing doting back to what Cameron had mentioned earlier in their conversation.

"No! I'm not! The wind just blew something in my eye, that's all!"

"Yeah, uh huh. Okay, you got it." G' laughs.

The two carry on their conversation in front of the dorm for a bit longer, just casual banter. Internally, Gabriel was registering all the signs from Kelly, but he remained firm in not advancing, as he felt it was too soon for him-self perhaps.

"Well, it's getting pretty late. I'm gonna head in and retire."

"Yeah, me too. I got a early class, and I get the hunch we're going to get a hefty assignment. But hey, why don't you give me your number, I'll hit you up after class, maybe we can link up for something."

"Yeah, I'd like that. Sounds good."

Kelly proceeded to run her number in G's phone, both locking themselves in. Kelly then gives Gabriel a hug, tightly wrapping her arms around his neck. Nearly hesitating with his hands, G' placed his hands on her lower back, embracing the hug before she shortly lets go and departed. As G' made his way back to his dorm, Cameron scurries over to him with a big smile on his face.

"I see you playa' playa'. How'd it go?"

"Chill bro, damn." G' chuckles "Almost gave me a heart attack, i thought you left with Nikita?"

"Yeah, but we was watching you two the entire time before she split. Wanted to see if there was any chemistry there between y'all. And I gotta say, things looking good."

"It do be facts though." G' reciprocates with a dap. "But I'm still not making no moves just yet, but I saw what you were saying."

"What? Why not? She's practically throwing herself at you."

"That may be so, but I gotta focus on the team and my studies. I don't want to have to juggle so many things at once. Like I told you before, if it happens, it happens. But right now, I gotta get better so I can ball out with the team."

"I hear you man, I hear you... You get those numbers though, right?" Cameron asked.

"And you know this.."

"My man." Cameron grinned with the devious of smiles. "We beat Boston U, movie night with the ladies, you scoring some digits, I say a pretty solid week for us."
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Gabriel Quarterman | That Same Ol' G'

Post by The JZA » 11 Jun 2023, 16:04

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