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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Posted: 20 Apr 2024, 04:14
by Scars
MJ can't even touch this level of pettiness. Who needs the NBA when you can transfer to another B1G school and have revenge on Penn State

Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Posted: 21 Apr 2024, 08:27
by The JZA
Captain Canada wrote:
19 Apr 2024, 14:44
I hear Hakeem is mighty fond of Chapel Hill :curtain:
Captain Canada, Wasting no time recruiting I see Image
Scars wrote:
20 Apr 2024, 04:14
MJ can't even touch this level of pettiness. Who needs the NBA when you can transfer to another B1G school and have revenge on Penn State
Scars, You wouldn't happen to be looking for a job at JZA Productions, would ya'? Image

Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Posted: 21 Apr 2024, 20:22
by chosenone58
Michigan? Enemies to teammates with Elgin Jordan?

Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 06:35
by The JZA
chosenone58 wrote:
21 Apr 2024, 20:22
Michigan? Enemies to teammates with Elgin Jordan?
chosenone58, Teaming up with the brother of the chick he's been giving the Brazilian thriller to? Man, you're just evil
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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 07:24
by The JZA

Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 10:38
by Captain Canada
He wasn't ready for Duke blue anyways :curtain:

Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 11:23
by The JZA
Captain Canada wrote:
22 Apr 2024, 10:38
He wasn't ready for Duke blue anyways :curtain:
Captain Canada, You know what? Image lol

Nah, whoever did the file I DL'd didn't complete the fit. They were an option though.


Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 18:58
by Agent
Has anyone ever won a natty at two different schools?

Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Posted: 23 Apr 2024, 07:10
by The JZA

Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Posted: 23 Apr 2024, 07:14
by The JZA
Chapter I: Changing The Narrative

My first year in college was finally in the books. After the season had finally wrapped up with winning the national championship game, reality sunked in that it was time to move on. With after what happened, that fracture was what it only took to make a decision. I'm not going to say that I didn't feel welcomed in the beginning, but it's not credible to say that I was either. But I met some really cool people along the way, mainly Asia, Jalen, Keri, Sam & Seth. We vowed to keep in touch as we all went our own way. Jalen & Seth recommitted to the Nittany Lions, both leading the charge as the re-up for another season. Asia & Keri remained a duo, focusing on finishing the year as they geared up for graduation. One of the moments I wish I could be there for, but I had my own business to attend to. Summer was around the corner, so a trip to Cancun wasn't out of the question.

After spending the weekend at my Uncle Paulie's doing a special on my cousin Michael's podcast, "A Broader View", I trotted back down to the south, South Carolina that is, where all my troubles began. There was one thing I wanted to give my mom before I got down to my own business, the John Wooden award. Her work schedule couldn't allow her to make the occasion, so I made sure to bring it home for her. It may have just been a piece of hardware to shelve in the family room, but it was a representation of the 180 I made since I last been here. And to see her with joyful tears streaming down her face, it was worth it. The first time to see your parent overwhelmed with such pride, that's a feeling you'll never forget. And it'll never be as good as the first time, if you catch my drift.

It was time to get down to business, so me and my sister, Michele, took to the skies. Our first stop was in North Carolina, visiting Duke and UNC. We then bee lined it to Florida to visit Miami. Then we flew all the way to Oregon for the university, and lastly to Seattle, Washington to visit the University of Washington. With all the info, visiting all the scenery, hearing all the pitches, my mind was finally made up...

"You sure about Washington, Uno?", Michele asked me as we sat on the flight on the way back to South Carolina

"Yeah, I am. I think it's the right choice."

"It's a long way from home. You're totally fine with being out here by yourself?"

"I'ma have to be. I gotta stand on my own two feet eventually, sis. Why? You worried for me?"

"Of course, I'ma always be worried, I'm your big sister, I just want you to do what's best overall, no selfish reasons."

"Nah, it's not like that. Trust, if I could just pick up our lives and bring it with me, I would, but I'm doing this for me, to see more of the nation, the western culture, all that good stuff. More so, playing west coast basketball may do me some good. Elevate my game to a higher level."

"Uno, the world is talking about you. The people eyes are locked in on you. The media is eating everything out your hands, not just your own platform, but every sports media outlet. Your name is not just big here in the States, but outside of the country, especially in South America, your homeland. You may just be 19 and starting out, but to them, they see you as the Messi of Basketball."

"Whoa, nah... That's too much pressure, sis. I'm nowhere as good as Lionel."

"You may see it that way, but other people's views are different. And I never took you for one to run away from pressure", Michele joked.

I gave her the side eye as if she don't know me, but I was playing right into her hand. She knew how to get my cockiness riled up as I'm easily a sucker for the spotlight. "Hey, that's fine and all, but I can't be content with that. I just need to focus on my game. And I know, going all the way to Washington won't take the attention off me, but some of the immediate distractions that I'm used to, I can step away from that."

"Who's to say there won't be any new distractions?"

"You're right about that, but that's the challenge I have to step up to. (At least that's what I'm hoping to do)."

"Alright, you know I support you in whatever you do. You know I can't wait to manage you like we talked about."

"You sure you want to be my agent? I may be a lot to ask for", I joked.

"Shit me, we keeping all that money in the family."

"So, I get a family discount paying you as my agent?"

Michele looked at my like I said something stupid and burst out laughing. "Hakeem, Hakeem, you say the damnest things sometimes."

"Well, thought I'd try."

"As I said, the money stays in the family. This is our come up. I refuse to let anyone take advantage of my baby brother."

"I hear you, Michele. It's nice to have a sister who's a lawyer. My condolence to any man who tries screwing you over", I said as she smiled. "Speaking of which, heard you passed the bar, how's the new gig working out for you?"

"Everything still a learning process. Just getting my foot in the door is enough for me, but I've been working remote at home the past few months due to covid-related issues."

"Damn, that stuff still hanging around?"

"Apparently, one of the top attorneys came down with it, they pushed for remote work for a little while. Think they're just going to cleanse the worksite before getting us back in. But things are going well, I'm just happy to be moving forward."

"Yeah, I'm happy for you and glad it wasn't you. Whatever it is you do, just make sure to take care of yourself. Mom wouldn't let you hear the end of it if she found out something ill happened to you."

"Tell me about it. Same goes for you too. We both got to take care of ourselves. More so for you, you got the whole world at your disposal. What you do with it matters long as you keep yourself in tip-top condition. Eating right, resting up, doing all that athletic stuff."

"Yeah, I know, I know. I definitely got to cut back on carbs, I'll get a handle on it."

"Good, you make sure of that. So, Mr. Washington, you've done everything possible a college freshman could possibly dream of accomplishing, what's keeping you from going pro this summer?" Michele asked.

It seemed to be the hottest question on everyone's mind. After breaking news, outlets tried to bomb on me questioning my readiness. My readiness wasn't the problem at all, my agenda was the final say so, however.

"As I said before, I just want to play west coast basketball. I want to get a feel of the different spectrum of basketball out here. Perhaps I'm missing something in my repertoire, or maybe tweak my game or mindset and approach to the game. Whatever it is that I'm looking for, I'm sure it's out west... Then there's the other thing."

"Which is?"

"I want to do something that hasn't been done. One guy came close though. His name is Bob Bender."

"What's the story behind him?"

"Back in 1976, Bob played with the Indiana Hoosiers, who went undefeated that year and won the national championship. He then left and went on to play for Duke. He's the only men's basketball player to ever play in two national championship games for two different teams."

"So, did he win again?"

"Nah, Duke lost to Kentucky in 1978 for the title."

"So that means..."

"There's a chance for it. It hasn't been done yet, sis."

"You'll do it", Michele said confidently.

"I'ma try."

"You don't try, you do. Whenever you put your mind to something, you always follow through, Uno. Like that post you went viral for? Talking about you were going to win the Natty? And you stood on that, right?"


"What's so different now?"

"Nothing really. I just want to play with no pressure. It's a goal I'd love to obtain and make it mine, but I don't wanna ride for it so hard that I fall into the same scenario I told you about that happened at Penn State."

"I understand that, then, talk to your new teammates. Express your personal goals and see that it aligns with others. I'm sure they follow you no matter, as long as it leads to a championship. You have three more years to do it, I know you can do it."

"Thanks sis, I appreciate that. Think that was something I might've needed to hear."

"Hey, everything I say is golden, you can take it to the bank, love."

"And they call me arrogant", I joked.

"What? You thought you was the only Marion? Don't forget, I am "HER"!" Michele proceeds to put on her Chanel shades, driving the point home.

"You know, if we weren't on the plane, that theatric you did would've hit. But it ain't hitting like it should"

"Shut up!" Michele shouted as we both laughed.

My sis may be right, perhaps I am trying to play Mr. Nice before I even get my foot in the door. Sure, I don't want a repeat of Penn State, but if they're on board to making history, then what not? Lets change the narrative and give the nation something to really talk about... But little did I know at the time, the sun was burning bright elsewhere on the other side of the planet. A freak of nature that stood at 7'4" was making his rounds and soon would be the talk of the NBA as the 2023 draft approaches...